MyTetra Share
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Время создания: 04.02.2022 19:26
Автор: alensav
Текстовые метки: Flex Breakpoints
Раздел: MyTetra - INTERNET - HTTM
Запись: alensav/MyTetra2/main/base/1643991970u64oy1k6im/text.html на

Grid to Flex

By @shadeed9 Github

Min Item Width

Col Gap

Row Gap

 Unify the gap for columns and rows

Flex Breakpoints

Add breakpoint


Breakpoint 1

Min Width


Generate SCSS

 How it works

CSS Grid minmax function is used to dynamically make a responsive layout with a specificed item width. On the left side, you can control the minimum width and spacing between grid items.
Then, you can edit or add Flexbox breakpoints. Once that is done, click on Generate SCSS to get the ready to use Sass code. See usage 

display: grid;

grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(200px, 1fr));

grid-gap: 16px 16px;

Смотри на САЙТЕ

Так же в этом разделе:
MyTetra Share v.0.67
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