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Вывести только определенные столбцы docker ps
Время создания: 13.09.2018 13:16
Автор: br0ke
Текстовые метки: docker, ps, output, columns, column, format
Раздел: Информационные технологии - Linux - Docker
Запись: and-semakin/mytetra_data/master/base/153682660904kuunxd2s/text.html на

Флаг --format:




Container ID


Image ID


Quoted command


Time when the container was created.


Elapsed time since the container was started.


Exposed ports.


Container status.


Container disk size.


Container names.


All labels assigned to the container.


Value of a specific label for this container. For example '{{.Label "com.docker.swarm.cpu"}}'


Names of the volumes mounted in this container.


Names of the networks attached to this container.


docker ps --format "{{.ID}}\t{{.RunningFor}}\t{{.Image}}"

docker ps --format "{{.ID}}: {{.Command}}"

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