MyTetra Share
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номер недели
Время создания: 31.07.2019 22:37
Текстовые метки: VBA, WEEKNUM, DatePart, номер недели
Раздел: !Закладки - VBA
Запись: xintrea/mytetra_db_adgaver_new/master/base/1515475470tmgma48o3i/text.html на

Private Function Week(dteValue As Date) As Integer
'Monday is set as first day of week
   Dim lngDate As Long
Dim intWeek As Integer
'If january 1. is later then thursday, january 1. is not in week 1
   If Not Weekday("01/01/" & Year(dteValue), vbMonday) > 4 Then
      intWeek = 1
      intWeek = 0
End If
'Sets long-value for january 1.
   lngDate = CLng(CDate("01/01/" & Year(dteValue)))
'Finds the first monday of year
   lngDate = lngDate + (8 - Weekday("01/01/" & Year(dteValue), vbMonday))
'Increases week by week until set date is passed
   While Not lngDate > CLng(CDate(dteValue))
      intWeek = intWeek + 1
      lngDate = lngDate + 7
'If the date set is not in week 1, this finds latest week previous year
   If intWeek = 0 Then
      intWeek = Week("31/12/" & Year(dteValue) - 1)
End If
   Week = intWeek
End Function

msgbox "Сейчас идёт " &
CStr(Week(Now)) & " неделя."

Так же в этом разделе:
MyTetra Share v.0.59
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