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Download Sources of OpenOCD
Время создания: 15.12.2023 19:17
Автор: alensav
Текстовые метки: Download Sources of OpenOCD
Раздел: ESP32
Запись: alensav/MyTetra2/main/base/1702657033l65a26789q/text.html на

  • Get Started
    • API Reference
    • Hardware Reference
    • API Guides
      • Application Level Tracing Library
      • Application Startup Flow
      • BluFi
      • Bluetooth® Overview
      • Bootloader
      • Build System
      • RF Coexistence
      • C Support
      • C++ Support
      • Core Dump
      • Current Consumption Measurement of Modules
      • Deep Sleep Wake Stubs
      • Error Handling
      • ESP-BLE-MESH
      • Support for External RAM
      • Fatal Errors
      • Hardware Abstraction
      • High Priority Interrupts
      • JTAG Debugging
        • Introduction
        • How it Works?
        • Selecting JTAG Adapter
        • Setup of OpenOCD
        • Configuring ESP32 Target
        • Launching Debugger
        • Debugging Examples
        • Building OpenOCD from Sources
          • Windows
          • Linux
          • macOS
        • Tips and Quirks
        • Related Documents
      • Linker Script Generation
      • lwIP
      • Memory Types
      • OpenThread
      • Partition Tables
      • Performance
      • Reproducible Builds
      • RF Calibration
      • Thread Local Storage
      • Tools
      • Unit Testing in ESP32
      • Running ESP-IDF Applications on Host
      • Wi-Fi Driver
      • Wi-Fi Security
      • Low Power Mode User Guide
    • Security Guides
    • Migration Guides
    • Libraries and Frameworks
    • Contributions Guide
    • ESP-IDF Versions
    • Resources
    • Copyrights and Licenses
    • About
    • Switch Between Languages

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  • API Guides  » 
  • JTAG Debugging  » 
  • Building OpenOCD from Sources for Linux
  •  Edit on GitHub

Building OpenOCD from Sources for Linux


The following instructions are alternative to downloading binary OpenOCD from Espressif GitHub . To quickly setup the binary OpenOCD, instead of compiling it yourself, backup and proceed to section Setup of OpenOCD .

Download Sources of OpenOCD

The sources for the ESP32-enabled variant of OpenOCD are available from Espressif GitHub under . To download the sources, use the following commands:

cd ~/esp

git clone --recursive

The clone of sources should be now saved in ~/esp/openocd-esp32 directory.

Install Dependencies

Install packages that are required to compile OpenOCD.


Install the following packages one by one, check if installation was successful and then proceed to the next package. Resolve reported problems before moving to the next step.

sudo apt-get install make

sudo apt-get install libtool

sudo apt-get install pkg-config

sudo apt-get install autoconf

sudo apt-get install automake

sudo apt-get install texinfo

sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0


  • Version of pkg-config should be 0.2.3 or above.
  • Version of autoconf should be 2.6.4 or above.
  • Version of automake should be 1.9 or above.
  • When using USB-Blaster, ASIX Presto, OpenJTAG and FT2232 as adapters, drivers libFTDI and FTD2XX need to be downloaded and installed.
  • When using CMSIS-DAP, HIDAPI is needed.

Build OpenOCD

Proceed with configuring and building OpenOCD:

cd ~/esp/openocd-esp32




Optionally you can add sudo make install step at the end. Skip it, if you have an existing OpenOCD (from e.g., another development platform), as it may get overwritten.


  • Should an error occur, resolve it and try again until the command make works.
  • If there is a submodule problem from OpenOCD, please cd to the openocd-esp32 directory and input git submodule update --init.
  • If the ./configure is successfully run, information of enabled JTAG will be printed under OpenOCD configuration summary.
  • If the information of your device is not shown in the log, use ./configure to enable it as described in ../openocd-esp32/doc/INSTALL.txt.
  • For details concerning compiling OpenOCD, please refer to openocd-esp32/README.

Once make process is successfully completed, the executable of OpenOCD will be saved in ~/openocd-esp32/bin directory.

Next Steps

To carry on with debugging environment setup, proceed to section Configuring ESP32 Target .

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