Время создания: 05.10.2020 10:23
Раздел: INFO - JOB - rtneo - Выгрузки
Запись: wwwlir/Tetra/master/base/1601864621ws650bk4my/text.html на raw.githubusercontent.com
-- select ct.inn, count(ct.id) -- from (select distinct c1.id as id, c1.inn as inn, coalesce(c1.personal_account, 'nopa') as pa, coalesce(c1.name, 'noname') as name -- from rtneo_contragent c1 join rtneo_payment p1 on c1.inn = p1.inn join rtneo_contract cn1 on c1.id = cn1.contragent_id -- where c1.delete_ts is null and p1.delete_ts is null and p1.create_ts <= '2020-07-27'::date and p1.inn is not null and c1.inn is not null) as ct -- group by ct.name, ct.pa, ct.inn having count(ct.id)>1 -- -- select distinct c1.id as id, c1.inn as inn from rtneo_contragent c1 join rtneo_payment p1 on c1.inn = p1.inn where c1.delete_ts is null and p1.delete_ts is null order by c1.inn select c3.personal_account, c3.name, c3.inn from ( select c2.inn as inn2, count(c2.id) from (select distinct c1.id as id from rtneo_contragent c1 join rtneo_payment p1 on c1.inn = p1.inn join rtneo_contract cn1 on c1.id = cn1.contragent_id where c1.delete_ts is null and p1.delete_ts is null and p1.create_ts <= '2020-07-27'::date and p1.inn is not null and c1.inn is not null) as ct join rtneo_contragent c2 on ct.id = c2.id group by c2.inn having count(c2.id)>1 ) as ct2 join rtneo_contragent c3 on ct2.inn2 = c3.inn and c3.personal_account is not null and c3.inn is not null and c3.delete_ts is null order by c3.inn -- select c2.inn as inn2, count(c2.id) -- from (select distinct c1.id as id -- from rtneo_contragent c1 join rtneo_payment p1 on c1.inn = p1.inn join rtneo_contract cn1 on c1.id = cn1.contragent_id -- where c1.delete_ts is null and p1.delete_ts is null and p1.create_ts <= '2020-07-27'::date and p1.inn is not null and c1.inn is not null) as ct -- join rtneo_contragent c2 on ct.id = c2.id -- group by c2.inn having count(c2.id)>1 |
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