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Время создания: 17.09.2020 17:21
Раздел: INFO - JOB - rtneo - Выгрузки
Запись: wwwlir/Tetra/master/base/16003344999b4uncgiaw/text.html на raw.githubusercontent.com
select distinct c.personalAccount, c.name, case when c.legalAddress is null then (case when c.actualAddress is null then c.registrationAddress else c.actualAddress end) else c.legalAddress end, '', 0 from rtneo$Contragent c join c.realEstates r where (c.type = 1 or c.type = 3) and c.personalAccount is not null and c.name is not null and not(c.legalAddress is null and c.actualAddress is null and c.registrationAddress is null) and (r.category.isLiving is null or r.category.isLiving = false) def list = dataManager.loadValues('select distinct c.personalAccount, c.name, case when c.legalAddress is null then (case when c.actualAddress is null then c.registrationAddress else c.actualAddress end) else c.legalAddress end, \'\', 0 from rtneo$Contragent c join c.realEstates r where (c.type = 1 or c.type = 3) and c.personalAccount is not null and c.name is not null and not(c.legalAddress is null and c.actualAddress is null and c.registrationAddress is null) and (r.category.isLiving is null or r.category.isLiving = false)') .properties("personalAccount", "name", "address", "empty", "sum") // .maxResults(1000) .list() _(list.size()) list.each{_("${it.getValue('personalAccount')}|${it.getValue('name')}|${it.getValue('address')}|${it.getValue('empty')}|${it.getValue('sum')}".replaceAll("\\p{Cntrl}", ""))}
/** * Логирование */ import com.haulmont.cuba.core.app.serialization.EntitySerializationAPI; import com.groupstp.rtneo.util.JsonUtil; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; private _(Object obj, String... options){ if(obj == null){log("LOG.ERROR: Object is null!!!");return} if(options.size() == 0){log(obj)} for(def option : options){ if(option.equals("str")){log(obj)} if(option.equals("for")){obj.each({_(it)})} if(option.equals("json")){ EntitySerializationAPI entitySerializationAPI = AppBeans.get(EntitySerializationAPI.NAME) try{log(entitySerializationAPI.toJson(obj))} catch(Exception e){log("LOG.ERROR: JSON entity serialization failed")} } if(option.equals("objJson")){ JsonUtil jsonUtil = AppBeans.get(JsonUtil.NAME) try{log.(jsonUtil.toJson(obj))} catch(Exception e){log("LOG.ERROR: JSON object serialization failed")} } if(option.equals("date")){ DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy"); try{log(df.format(obj))} catch(Exception e){log("LOG.ERROR: Failed date format")} } } } private log(Object obj){log.debug(obj)} |
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