Наименование Номер КП Адрес КП Основной договор Последний принятый договор
Время создания: 06.07.2020 12:22
Раздел: INFO - JOB - rtneo - Выгрузки
Запись: wwwlir/Tetra/master/base/15940093571cutvgar3o/text.html на raw.githubusercontent.com
select c.name, r.containerYard.code, r.containerYard.address, (select max(ct1.number) from rtneo$Contract ct1 where ct1.mainContract is null and ct1.contragent.id = c.id) as mainContract, ct.number from rtneo$Contragent c, rtneo$Contract ct, rtneo$RealEstateContainerYard r where c.id = ct.contragent.id and c.id = r.contragentRealEstate.contragent.id and ct.accepted = true and ct.acceptanceDate = (select max(contract.acceptanceDate) from rtneo$Contract contract where contract.contragent.id = c.id) and (select count(ct2) from rtneo$Contract ct2 where ct2.contragent.id = c.id and ct2.accepted = true and not ct2.mainContract is null) > 0 and (lower(c.legalAddress) like '%%г. байкальск%%' or lower(c.legalAddress) like '%%г байкальск%%') order by c.inn |
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