Время создания: 12.10.2020 16:58
Раздел: INFO - Development - DATABASE - postgres
Запись: wwwlir/Tetra/master/base/1601638298fn1pp3ka53/text.html на raw.githubusercontent.com
-- // .query('select distinct e from rtneo$ContragentRealEstate r join rtneo$Contragent e where r.contragent = e and (r.category.isLiving is null or r.category.isLiving=false) -- and not r.realEstate.name = \'Земельный участок\' and size(e.contracts)=0 and not e.id in (select t.entityId from rtneo$EntityesTemporarySet t) order by e.id') -- // .query('select distinct e from rtneo$ContragentRealEstate r join rtneo$Contragent e on r.contragent = e where ((r.category.isLiving is null or r.category.isLiving=false) -- and not r.realEstate.name = \'Земельный участок\' and size(e.contracts)=0 and (r.validityFrom is null or r.validityFrom >= \'2019-01-01\') and not r.excludeFromAccounting = true) or (e.id in (select t.entityId from rtneo$EntityesTemporarySet t where not t.setName = \'CreatedContractAllRecalc30-09\')) order by e.id EXCEPT select distinct e from rtneo$Contragent e join rtneo$EntityesTemporarySet t where e.id = t.entityId and t.setName = \'CreatedContractAllRecalc30-09\'') -- .query('select c from rtneo$Contragent c where c.id = \'0033395b-c0da-b70f-8e93-fc437b5bd862\'') -- // .query('select distinct e from rtneo$ContragentRealEstate r join rtneo$Contragent e on r.contragent = e where (((r.category.isLiving is null or r.category.isLiving=false) -- and not r.realEstate.name = \'Земельный участок\' and size(e.contracts)=0 and (r.validityFrom is null or r.validityFrom >= \'2019-01-01\') -- and not r.excludeFromAccounting = true) or (e.id in (select t.entityId from rtneo$EntityesTemporarySet t where not t.setName = \'CreatedContractAllRecalc30-09\'))) -- and not e.id in (select t.entityId from rtneo$EntityesTemporarySet t where t.setName = \'CreatedContractAllRecalc30-09\')') select count(rc) from rtneo_contragent_real_estate cre left join rtneo_contragent rc ON rc.id = cre.contragent_id left join rtneo_contract rct ON rct.contragent_id = rc.id join rtneo_real_estate re ON re.id = cre.real_estate_id join rtneo_real_estate_category rec ON rec.id = cre.category_id where rc.delete_ts is null and rct.delete_ts is null and cre.delete_ts is null and rct is null and (rec.is_living is null or rec.is_living = false) and not re.name = 'Земельный участок' or rc.id in (select entity_id from rtneo_entityes_temporary_set) -- order by rc.id ============================================================================================ select count(distinct contragent) from ( select rc from rtneo_contragent_real_estate cre left join rtneo_contragent rc ON rc.id = cre.contragent_id left join rtneo_contract rct ON rct.contragent_id = rc.id join rtneo_real_estate re ON re.id = cre.real_estate_id join rtneo_real_estate_category rec ON rec.id = cre.category_id where rc.delete_ts is null and rct.delete_ts is null and cre.delete_ts is null and rct is null and (rec.is_living is null or rec.is_living = false) and not re.name = 'Земельный участок' union select rc from rtneo_contragent rc join rtneo_entityes_temporary_set ts on rc.id = ts.entity_id where not ts.entity_name = 'ContragentRealEstate') as contragent -- count(distinct contragent) = 32265 insert into rtneo_entityes_temporary_set (entity_id, id, entity_name, set_name, version, create_ts) (select distinct contragent.id, newid(), 'Contragent', 'emptyAndPrev04-10-20CreatedContract', 1, now() from ( select rc.id as id from rtneo_contragent_real_estate cre left join rtneo_contragent rc ON rc.id = cre.contragent_id left join rtneo_contract rct ON rct.contragent_id = rc.id join rtneo_real_estate re ON re.id = cre.real_estate_id join rtneo_real_estate_category rec ON rec.id = cre.category_id where rc.delete_ts is null and rct.delete_ts is null and cre.delete_ts is null and rct is null and (rec.is_living is null or rec.is_living = false) and not re.name = 'Земельный участок' union select rc.id as id from rtneo_contragent rc join rtneo_entityes_temporary_set ts on rc.id = ts.entity_id where not ts.entity_name = 'ContragentRealEstate') contragent) //С одним договором, не заходили select count(distinct contragents.id) from ( select rc.id as id, rc.user_id as user, rc as contragent, count(distinct rct.id) as contracts from rtneo_contragent_real_estate cre left join rtneo_contragent rc ON rc.id = cre.contragent_id left join rtneo_contract rct ON rct.contragent_id = rc.id join rtneo_real_estate re ON re.id = cre.real_estate_id join rtneo_real_estate_category rec ON rec.id = cre.category_id where rc.delete_ts is null and rct.delete_ts is null and cre.delete_ts is null and (rec.is_living is null or rec.is_living = false) and not re.name = 'Земельный участок' group by rc.id having count(distinct rct.id) = 1) as contragents left join sec_session_log sess on contragents.user = sess.user_id where sess is null --count 4213 //С одним договором, заходили select count(distinct contragents.id) from ( select rc.id as id, rc.user_id as user, rc as contragent, count(distinct rct.id) as contracts from rtneo_contragent_real_estate cre left join rtneo_contragent rc ON rc.id = cre.contragent_id left join rtneo_contract rct ON rct.contragent_id = rc.id join rtneo_real_estate re ON re.id = cre.real_estate_id join rtneo_real_estate_category rec ON rec.id = cre.category_id where rc.delete_ts is null and rct.delete_ts is null and cre.delete_ts is null and (rec.is_living is null or rec.is_living = false) and not re.name = 'Земельный участок' group by rc.id having count(distinct rct.id) = 1) as contragents left join sec_session_log sess on contragents.user = sess.user_id where not sess is null --count 1062 insert into rtneo_entityes_temporary_set (entity_id, id, entity_name, set_name, version, create_ts) (select distinct contragent.id1, newid(), 'Contragent', 'oneIsLogin04-10-20CreatedContract', 1, now() from ( select distinct contragents.id as id1 from ( select rc.id as id, rc.user_id as user, rc as contragent, count(distinct rct.id) as contracts from rtneo_contragent_real_estate cre left join rtneo_contragent rc ON rc.id = cre.contragent_id left join rtneo_contract rct ON rct.contragent_id = rc.id join rtneo_real_estate re ON re.id = cre.real_estate_id join rtneo_real_estate_category rec ON rec.id = cre.category_id where rc.delete_ts is null and rct.delete_ts is null and cre.delete_ts is null and (rec.is_living is null or rec.is_living = false) and not re.name = 'Земельный участок' group by rc.id having count(distinct rct.id) = 1) as contragents left join sec_session_log sess on contragents.user = sess.user_id where not sess is null) as contragent) insert into rtneo_entityes_temporary_set (entity_id, id, entity_name, set_name, version, create_ts) (select distinct contragent.id1, newid(), 'Contragent', 'oneIsNoLogin04-10-20CreatedContract', 1, now() from ( select distinct contragents.id as id1 from ( select rc.id as id, rc.user_id as user, rc as contragent, count(distinct rct.id) as contracts from rtneo_contragent_real_estate cre left join rtneo_contragent rc ON rc.id = cre.contragent_id left join rtneo_contract rct ON rct.contragent_id = rc.id join rtneo_real_estate re ON re.id = cre.real_estate_id join rtneo_real_estate_category rec ON rec.id = cre.category_id where rc.delete_ts is null and rct.delete_ts is null and cre.delete_ts is null and (rec.is_living is null or rec.is_living = false) and not re.name = 'Земельный участок' group by rc.id having count(distinct rct.id) = 1) as contragents left join sec_session_log sess on contragents.user = sess.user_id where sess is null) as contragent) 36225 |
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