Актуальные начисления Postgres + EntityManager
Время создания: 21.09.2020 11:35
Раздел: INFO - Development - DATABASE - postgres
Запись: wwwlir/Tetra/master/base/1591686190zuu8znzso8/text.html на raw.githubusercontent.com
import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.* import com.groupstp.rtneo.entity.* import com.google.gson.Gson; import com.google.gson.JsonObject; import com.google.gson.JsonParser; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.PersistenceHelper; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.* DataManager dataManager = AppBeans.get(DataManager.NAME) Persistence persistence= AppBeans.get(Persistence.NAME) Transaction tr = persistence.createTransaction() EntityManager em = persistence.getEntityManager(); Query query = em.createNativeQuery("with\n" + "periods as(\n" + "SELECT \n" + " distinct a.period as per\n" + "FROM \n" + " public.rtneo_contragent c, \n" + " public.rtneo_contract ct, \n" + " public.rtneo_contract_position cp, \n" + " public.rtneo_accrual a\n" + "WHERE \n" + " ct.contragent_id = c.id AND\n" + " cp.contract_id = ct.id AND\n" + " a.contract_position_id = cp.id AND\n" + " c.personal_account = 'ААА3812525543'\n" + " and a.delete_ts isnull\n" + " order by a.period),\n" + "contracts as(\n" + "select\n" + "p.per as perct,\n" + "(select ct.id\n" + "from \n" + "public.rtneo_contract ct join\n" + "public.rtneo_contragent c on c.id = ct.contragent_id\n" + "where\n" + "c.personal_account = 'ААА3812525543'\n" + "and ct.create_ts = \n" + "(select\n" + "max(ct.create_ts)\n" + "from \n" + "public.rtneo_contract ct join\n" + "public.rtneo_contragent c on c.id = ct.contragent_id\n" + "where\n" + "c.personal_account = 'ААА3812525543'\n" + " and ct.accepted = true\n" + " and ct.delete_ts is null\n" + "and p.per between ct.from_ and ct.before_)\n" + ") as contract\n" + "from \n" + "periods p)\n" + "\n" + "SELECT\n" + "a.period, a.document_number\n" + "FROM \n" + " contracts ct,\n" + " rtneo_accrual a left join\n" + " public.rtneo_contract_position cp\n" + " on a.contract_position_id = cp.id\n" + "where\n" + " a.period = ct.perct\n" + " and ct.contract = cp.contract_id\n" + " and a.delete_ts is null\n" + "order by a.period\n" + "limit 200");
//query.setParameter(1, "%Company%"); List list = query.getResultList(); for (Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Object[] row = (Object[]) it.next(); def per = row[0]; def name = row[1];
_("${per} = ${name}")
} /** * Логирование */ import com.haulmont.cuba.core.app.serialization.EntitySerializationAPI; import com.groupstp.rtneo.util.JsonUtil; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; private _(Object obj, String... options){ if(obj == null){log("LOG.ERROR: Object is null!!!");return} if(options.size() == 0){log(obj)} for(def option : options){ if(option.equals("str")){log(obj)} if(option.equals("for")){obj.each({_(it)})} if(option.equals("json")){ EntitySerializationAPI entitySerializationAPI = AppBeans.get(EntitySerializationAPI.NAME) try{log(entitySerializationAPI.toJson(obj))} catch(Exception e){log("LOG.ERROR: JSON entity serialization failed")} } if(option.equals("objJson")){ JsonUtil jsonUtil = AppBeans.get(JsonUtil.NAME) try{log.(jsonUtil.toJson(obj))} catch(Exception e){log("LOG.ERROR: JSON object serialization failed")} } if(option.equals("date")){ DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy"); try{log(df.format(obj))} catch(Exception e){log("LOG.ERROR: Failed date format")} } } } private log(Object obj){log.debug(obj)} |
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