MyTetra - smart manager for information collecting
Official page
(Rus / Eng)
Desktop application
MyTetra is a full-featured, open source, cross-platform note manager (PIM-manager) used to collect and accumulate various kinds of information. All entries (notes, articles) are organized in a tree structure, as well as supplied with keywords tags that allow you to quickly find the right entries. Links between records, attachments, encryption, detailed search, synchronization, copying from the browser, one of the best visual WYSIWYG text editors - all this is in the PIM-manager MyTetra. It is powerful program for data memorization and structuring notes.
- Infinite ramify tree for notes group
- Arbitrary sorted notes at his branch
- Arbitrary sorted branches at parent branch
- Copy/Paste for notes and branches
- Clickable tags
- Customizable trash for recovery lost data
- WYSIWYG editor
- Notes encryption by RC5-32/12/16 + PBKDF2
- Synchronization over any cloud storage system or version control system (i.e. Git on
- History navigation
- etc.
System requirements: Linux, Windows, Mac Os X, FreeBSD or MeeGo
Llicense: GPL v.3
Last actual version: 1.43.27 at 06.07.2018
Online clients
In addition to the Qt application, we have two Web client for view MyTetra data in browser. To use them it is necessary that the knowledge base stored in the public services, such as,, etc.
- MyTetra Share - service for public show MyTetra notes as webpages in Internet. It works from 22.04.2013.
- MyTetra Web Client - service for online view public MyTetra notes in internet. It is one-page JavaScript application with an interface similar to the Qt-interface MyTetra. It works from 30.09.2012.
v.1.42 Full size
v.1.26 Full size
MyTetra v.1.43 for Linux 64 bit (25 Mb) - build with all libraries
MyTetra v.1.43 for Windows (15 Mb) - build with all libraries
MyTetra v.1.43.27 Source (14 Mb)
Links to experimental MyTetra builds - unstable experimental builds by MyTetra fans
Do you want to support this project? Please send your donations to the following account ($25 - isn't bad anymore):
SberBank: 5469 5200 3008 5419
WMZ: Z586949314665
WMP: P914723712675
Yoomoney (ex. Yandex.Money) or Bank Card: 410011385378014
BTC: 13U5ZWfifBs1XDzJYRmwCjUqFqz3LEwPar
ETH: 0x5FB23243c77FAb8f13C46941c112cF5E9E8483A8
Thank you!
Sources of MyTetra is available on GitHub. Project page:
To obtain the latest relevant sources, create a directory and run in it the command:
git clone
We use two branches: master и experimental.
master - branch with stable source:
experimental - branch for development:
How to use synchronization in MyTetra
To synchronize, you can use any of cloud storage or any version control system. The main thing is that these systems maintain atomicity. The author has tested and recomendet used Git on
To synchronize data, you simply synchronize the contents of the directory /data. To get path to directory /data, select "Tools" -> "Preferences" -> "Main" -> "Data directory" and click on the button with three dots [...].
First, create repository at GitHub, with name i.e. "mytetra". At console, enter to directory /data and type command to upload files to your GitHub repository:
git init
git add .
git commit -a -m "first commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
Next, select "Tools" -> "Preferences" -> "Synchro" and set syncro command:
For Linux:
cd %a ; git add . ; git commit -a -m MyTetraCommit ; git pull -s recursive ; git push
For Windows:
cd \ & cd "%a" & git add . & git commit -a -m MyTetraCommit & git pull -s recursive & git push
After these steps, you will have to work "back up data" to Do not forget to pre-encrypt the items with private data: service GitHub keeps history of files.
Warning! At earlier in this command line was writed wrong option -X theirs. Please, remove this option from your synchro command line.
Next, install MyTetra to other computer. Find /data directory, and delete all from it. In /data directory run command:
git clone .
Run MyTetra, and next set synchro command (see up) to "Tools" -> "Preferences" -> "Synchro".
Localization and translation
Bad english on this page? Yes, it is. If you have a desire to help, send me to correct phrase.
Parlez-vous français? Vous voulez aider à traduire le programme en français? Écrivez-moi à, et je vais vous envoyer un fichier avec des phrases en anglais qui sont dans le MyTetra programme. Après la traduction de ces phrases, je vais les mettre dans MyTetra. Je vous remercie.
Old versions
v.1.43 (06.07.2018)
MyTetra v.1.43 для Linux 64 bit (25 Мб) - build with all libraries
MyTetra v.1.43 для Windows (15 Мб) - build with all libraries
MyTetra v.1.43.27 source (14 Мб)
v.1.42 (22.11.2016)
MyTetra v.1.42 for Linux 32 bit (22 Mb) - build with all libraries
MyTetra v.1.42 for Linux 64 bit (23 Mb) - build with all libraries
MyTetra v.1.42 for Windows (19 Mb) - build with all libraries
Mac Os X build - in process
MyTetra v.1.42.2. Source (15,7 Mb)
MyTetra Fedora 23, 24, 25 Repo (Grechishkin Pavel)
Build for ArchLinux (Cyberxndr)
v.1.30 (2011 - 2016)
MyTetra v.1.30 for Linux i386-i686 (7.5 Mb) - portable build with all library
MyTetra v.1.30 for Windows (7.9 Mb)
MyTetra v.1.30 for FreeBSD 8.2 (1.5 Mb) - before install Qt 4.7.3 from portage system
MyTetra v.1.30.1 for MeeGo v.1.1 (5.3 Mb) - RPM package
MyTetra v.1.30.1 for Mac Os X 10.6.8 x86-64 (10.7 Mb)
MyTetra v.1.30.1 source - see development area for get actual source
MyTetra for MeeGo
Yes! MyTetra available for MeeGo.

Full size