/run c=CastSpellByName s="Counterspell" if UnitExists("mouseover", "enemy") then TargetUnit("mouseover") c(s) TargetLastTarget() else c(s) end;

Spell Hit
As a spellcaster ypu will always have a 1% chance to miss with your spells.
Against a Target of the same level: You have a 4% chance to miss. 3% hit is needed for cap.
Against a Target 1 level higher than you: You have a 5% chance to miss. 4% hit is needed for cap.
Against a Target 2 level higher than you: You have a 6% chance to miss. 5% hit is needed for cap.
Against a Target 3 level higher than you: You have a 17% chance to miss. 16% hit is needed for cap.