Время создания: 14.07.2020 07:02
Текстовые метки: fnGetParameter, Power Query
Раздел: Разные закладки - MSO - Excel - Power Query
Запись: xintrea/mytetra_db_adgaver_new/master/base/15946993499vzwds8g7p/text.html на raw.githubusercontent.com
mytetra://note/1594707643s97g2u7mkd #"qqqqq" = Table.SelectRows(#"Замененное значение", each [Date_] >= #date( fnGetParameter("Y_Start"), fnGetParameter("M_Start"), fnGetParameter("D_Start") ) and [Date_] <= #date( fnGetParameter("Y_End"), fnGetParameter("M_End"), fnGetParameter("D_End") )),
// fnGetParameter function written by Ken Puls, FCPA, FCMA, MS MVP (Excel) // Original source can be found at the following URL: // http://www.excelguru.ca/blog/2014/11/26/building-a-parameter-table-for-power-query/
// To use the function you must have a table called "Parameters" in your workbook // The header row must contain a "Parameter" and a "Value" column (with those names)
// Data rows should list the paramter name in the first column and the value of that // parameter in the second column
// Provided you save this query under the name "fnGetParameter", you can then reference // it from other queries as follows: // // =fnGetParameter("your_parameter_name")
// One useful sample to return the current folder: // Parameter Name: File Path // Parameter Value: =LEFT(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("[",CELL("filename",A1),1)-1) // Call as "fnGetParamater("File Path")
(ParameterName as text) => let ParamSource = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Parameters_tbl"]}[Content], ParamRow = Table.SelectRows(ParamSource, each ([Parameter_Name]=ParameterName)), Value= if Table.IsEmpty(ParamRow)=true then null else Record.Field(ParamRow{0},"Parameter_Value") in Value
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