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Option Compare Text

'Function List


Function fn_Replace_symbols(ByVal txt As String) As String

St$ = "~!@/\#$%^:?&*=|`;"""

For f_i% = 1 To Len(St$)

txt = Replace(txt, Mid(St$, f_i, 1), "_")

txt = Replace(txt, Chr(10), "_")


fn_Replace_symbols = txt

End Function


Function fn_VBA_Start() As String

With Application

.ScreenUpdating = False

.EnableEvents = False

.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

'.DisplayPageBreaks = False

.DisplayAlerts = False

End With

End Function


Function fn_VBA_End() As String

With Application

.ScreenUpdating = True

.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

.EnableEvents = True

.DisplayStatusBar = True

.DisplayAlerts = True

End With

End Function


Function fn_CreateSh(cr_sh As String) As String

For Each Sh In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets

If Sh.Name = cr_sh Then

chek_name = 1

End If

Next Sh

If chek_name <> 1 Then

Set Sh = Worksheets.Add()

Sh.Name = cr_sh

End If

End Function


Function fn_openFile(ByRef patch As String, nm_sh As String) As String

Dim result$

If Dir(patch) = "" Then

MsgBox ("FileNotFound")


Workbooks.Open Filename:=patch, Notify:=False

result = ActiveWorkbook.Name


ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False

End If

fn_openFile = result

End Function


Function fn_openFileCSV(ByRef patch As String)

Dim result$

If Dir(patch) = "" Then

MsgBox ("FileNotFound")


Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=patch, _

Origin:=65001, StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier:= _

xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=False, Semicolon:=True, _

Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=False, TrailingMinusNumbers:=True

End If

End Function


Function fn_quartal(month&) As String

Dim result As String

result = Empty

Select Case month

Case 1, 2, 3

result = "1Q"

Case 4, 5, 6

result = "2Q"

Case 7, 8, 9

result = "3Q"

Case 10, 11, 12

result = "4Q"

End Select

fn_quartal = result

End Function


Function fn_month_form_00(month As Integer) As String

Dim result As String

result = Empty

If month < 10 Then

result = "0" & month


result = month

End If

fn_month_form_00 = result

End Function


Function fn_patch_history_TR(brand As String, year As Integer, thisMonth As Integer, ver_month As String) As String

Dim result As String

result = Empty

Select Case month

Case this_month

result = "p:\DPP\Business development\Book commercial\" & brand & "\Top Russia Total " & year & " " & brand & ".xlsm"

Case Else

result = "p:\DPP\Business development\Book commercial\" & brand & "\" & year & "\History " & year & "\Top Russia Total " & year & "." & ver_month & " " & brand & ".xlsm"

End Select

fn_patch_history_TR = result

End Function


Function fn_num_LastRow() As Integer

Dim result As Integer

result = Empty

With ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange

result = .Row + .Rows.Count - 1

End With

fn_num_LastRow = result

End Function


Function fn_lastColumn() As Integer

Dim result As Integer

result = Empty

With ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange

result = .Column + .Columns.Count - 1

End With

fn_lastColumn = result

End Function


Function fn_clnt_type(in_data$, i&)

Dim result

Dim ar_type_clients(1 To 4, 1 To 12)

Dim f_sl&


ar_type_clients(1, 1) = "салон"

ar_type_clients(2, 1) = "salon"

ar_type_clients(3, 1) = "salon"

ar_type_clients(4, 1) = "single"

ar_type_clients(1, 2) = "сеть салонов"

ar_type_clients(2, 2) = "chain_salons"

ar_type_clients(3, 2) = "salon"

ar_type_clients(4, 2) = "chain"

ar_type_clients(1, 3) = "ч/м"

ar_type_clients(2, 3) = "hdres"

ar_type_clients(3, 3) = "salon"

ar_type_clients(4, 3) = "single"

ar_type_clients(1, 4) = "сеть магазинов"

ar_type_clients(2, 4) = "chain_shops"

ar_type_clients(3, 4) = "shop"

ar_type_clients(4, 4) = "chain"

ar_type_clients(1, 5) = "магазин"

ar_type_clients(2, 5) = "shop"

ar_type_clients(3, 5) = "shop"

ar_type_clients(4, 5) = "single"

ar_type_clients(1, 6) = "салон-маг."

ar_type_clients(2, 6) = "salon"

ar_type_clients(3, 6) = "salon"

ar_type_clients(4, 6) = "single"

ar_type_clients(1, 7) = "(пусто)"

ar_type_clients(2, 7) = "other"

ar_type_clients(3, 7) = "other"

ar_type_clients(4, 7) = "single"

ar_type_clients(1, 8) = "школа"

ar_type_clients(2, 8) = "school"

ar_type_clients(3, 8) = "school"

ar_type_clients(4, 8) = "single"

ar_type_clients(1, 9) = "другое"

ar_type_clients(2, 9) = "other"

ar_type_clients(3, 9) = "other"

ar_type_clients(4, 9) = "single"

ar_type_clients(1, 10) = "нейл-бар"

ar_type_clients(2, 10) = "nails_bar"

ar_type_clients(3, 10) = "nails"

ar_type_clients(4, 10) = "single"

ar_type_clients(1, 11) = "сеть нейл-баров"

ar_type_clients(2, 11) = "chain_nails"

ar_type_clients(3, 11) = "nails"

ar_type_clients(4, 11) = "chain"

ar_type_clients(1, 12) = "e-commerce"

ar_type_clients(2, 12) = "e-commerce"

ar_type_clients(3, 12) = "e-commerce"

ar_type_clients(4, 12) = "single"

For f_sl = 1 To 12

If StrComp(ar_type_clients(1, f_sl), LCase(in_data), vbTextCompare) Then

result = ar_type_clients(i, f_sl)

Exit For


result = Empty

End If

Next f_sl

fn_clnt_type = result

End Function


Function fn_mreg_ext$(in_data_mreg$, in_data_reg$)

Dim result$

Dim extPos&

textPos = 0

If LCase(in_data_mreg) = LCase("Moscou GR") Then

textPos = InStr(in_data_reg, "MSK")

textPos = InStr(in_data_reg, "Moscou") + textPos

If textPos > 0 Then

result = "Moscou"


result = "GR"

End If

End If

fn_mreg_ext = result

End Function


Function fn_mreg_lat(in_data_mreg As String) As String

Dim result$

Dim f_mr&

Dim ar_nmMregEN(), ar_nmMregLT()


ar_nmMregLT = Array("Moscou", "GR", "Nord-Ouest", "Centre", "Volga-Centre", "Sud", "Oural", "Siberie", "EO")

For f_mr = 0 To UBound(ar_nmMregLT)

If ar_nmMregLT(f_mr) = in_data_mreg Then

result = ar_nmMregEN(f_mr)

Exit For

End If

Next f_mr

fn_mreg_lat = result

End Function


Function fn_salon_name$(in_sln_nm$, in_sln_addres$, in_city$)

Dim result$

result = Trim(fn_Replace_symbols(Left(in_sln_nm, 30) & ". " & Left(in_sln_addres, 50) & " " & Left(in_city, 50)))

fn_salon_name = result

End Function


Function fn_mont_num&(in_data$)

Dim result&

Dim f_m&, num_month&

ar_nm_month_qnc_rus = Array("январь", "февраль", "март", "апрель", "май", "июнь", "июль", "август", "сентябрь", "октябрь", "ноябрь", "декабрь")

result = 1

For f_m = 0 To 11

If ar_nm_month_qnc_rus(f_m) = in_data Then

result = f_m + 1

Exit For

End If

Next f_m

fn_mont_num = result

End Function


Function fn_month_eng$(month$)

Dim result$

Dim f_m&

ar_month_rus = Array("январь", "февраль", "март", "апрель", "май", "июнь", "июль", "август", "сентябрь", "октябрь", "ноябрь", "декабрь")

ar_month_eng = Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")

For f_m = 0 To 11

If ar_month_rus(f_m) = month Then

result = ar_month_eng(f_m)

Exit For

End If

Next f_m

fn_month_eng = result

End Function


Function fn_getYearType(in_act_year&, in_data&, i&) As Variant

Dim result1&, result2$

If Len(in_data) = 4 Then result1 = in_data Else result1 = 2008

Select Case result1

Case in_act_year

result2 = "TY"

Case in_act_year - 1

result2 = "PY"

Case Else

result2 = "PPY"

End Select

Select Case i

Case 1

fn_getYearType = result1

Case 2

fn_getYearType = result2

Case Else

fn_getYearType = Empty

End Select

End Function


Function fn_mag(in_min_price As Long, in_max_price As Long, in_place As Long, mag_type As String) As Variant

Dim result As Variant

Dim mag_avg_price&

If IsNumeric(in_min_price) and IsNumeric(in_max_price) Then

mag_avg_price = Application.WorksheetFunction.Average(in_min_price, in_max_price)


mag_avg_price = in_min_price + in_max_price

End If

Select Case mag_type

Case "avg_price"

result = mag_avg_price

Case "hair"

Select Case mag_avg_price

Case 100 To 799

result = "D"

Case 800 To 1199

result = "C"

Case 1200 To 2000

result = "B"

Case Is > 2000

result = "A"

Case Else

result = Empty

End Select

Case "nail"

Select Case mag_avg_price

Case 10 To 319

result = "D"

Case 320 To 479

result = "C"

Case 480 To 799

result = "B"

Case Is > 800

result = "A"

Case Else

result = Empty

End Select

Case "skin"

Select Case mag_avg_price

Case 100 To 799

result = "D"

Case 800 To 1199

result = "C"

Case 1200 To 2000

result = "B"

Case Is > 2000

result = "A"

Case Else

result = Empty

End Select

Case "place"

If IsNumeric(in_place) Then

in_place = Round(in_place, 0)

End If

Select Case in_place

Case 1 To 2

result = "1"

Case 3 To 4

result = "2"

Case Is > 4

result = "3"

Case Else

result = Empty

End Select

End Select

fn_mag = result

End Function


Function fn_type_business$(in_brand$)

Dim result$

Select Case in_brand

Case "LP", "MX", "KR", "RD"

result = "Hair"

Case "ES"

result = "Nails"

Case "DE", "CR"

result = "Skin"

End Select

fn_type_business = result

End Function


Function fn_type_active_DN$(in_data&)

Dim result$

Select Case in_data

Case 1

result = "Active"

Case 0

result = "Closed"

End Select

fn_type_active_DN = result

End Function


Function fn_rnd_num&(in_data)

Dim result&

If IsNumeric(in_data) And Len(in_data) > 0 Then

result = Round(in_data, 0)


result = 0

End If

fn_rnd_num = result

End Function


Function fn_num2num0&(in_data As Variant)

Dim result&

If Len(in_data) > 0 And IsNumeric(in_data) Then

result = in_data


result = 0

End If

fn_num2num0 = result

End Function


Function fn_num2numNull(in_data) As Variant

Dim result As Variant

If Len(in_data) > 0 And in_data <> 0 Then

result = in_data


result = Empty

End If

fn_num2numNull = result

End Function


Function fn_getNmChainTop$(inNmChain$, inCdChain&, inNmTypeClnt$)

Dim result$

If Left(inCdChain, 2) = "92" And fn_clnt_type(inNmTypeClnt, 4) = "chain" Then

result = inNmChain


result = Empty

End If

fn_getNmChainTop = result

End Function


Function fn_GetLTM(in_row&, inThisMonth&, typeFN$) As Variant

Dim result$

Dim f_a&, f_avg&, sum_CA_LTM&, AVG_CA_LTM&, frqOrder&

Dim MinVal!, MaxVal!

Dim val As Variant

ar_DataMonthPRTN = Array(66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90)

ar_nmAVG_Order = Array(2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 60, 70, 100000)

sum_CA_LTM = 0

frqOrder = 0

For f_a = inThisMonth To inThisMonth + 11

val = Cells(in_row, ar_DataMonthPRTN(f_a))

If IsNumeric(val) And val > 0 Then

frqOrder = frqOrder + 1

sum_CA_LTM = sum_CA_LTM + val

End If

Next f_a

AVG_CA_LTM = Round(sum_CA_LTM / 12 / 1000, 1)

Select Case typeFN

Case "avg_ca"

If sum_CA_LTM <> 0 Then

result = AVG_CA_LTM


result = Empty

End If

Case "frqOrders"

result = frqOrder & "\12"

Case "type_avg_ca"

MinVal = 0

MaxVal = 0

Select Case AVG_CA_LTM

Case 0

result = "0"

Case Is >= 70

result = ">70"

Case Is < 70

For f_avg = 0 To UBound(ar_nmAVG_Order)

MaxVal = ar_nmAVG_Order(f_avg)

If AVG_CA_LTM <= MaxVal And AVG_CA_LTM > MinVal Then result = "'" & MinVal & "-" & MaxVal: Exit For

MinVal = MaxVal

Next f_avg

Case Else

result = Empty

End Select

End Select

fn_GetLTM = result

End Function


Function fn_getVectoreEV$(in_data#)

Dim result$

If IsNumeric(in_data) Then

Select Case in_data

Case Is > 0

result = "+"

Case Is < 0

result = "-"

Case Else

result = Empty

End Select


result = Null

End If

fn_getVectoreEV = result

End Function


Function fn_getMonthlyCA&(in_row&, in_month&, in_thisMonth&, in_typeY$, in_typeVal$, in_type_period$)

Dim result&, val&

Dim typeF$

Dim clm_PY_LOR_VAL%, clm_TY_LOR_VAL%, clm_PY_PRTN_VAL%, clm_TY_PRTN_VAL%

Dim ar_Matrix(1 To 2, 1 To 2)

val = Empty

typeF = in_typeY & "_" & in_typeVal

Select Case typeF

Case "PY_LOR"

clm = 106

Case "TY_LOR"

clm = 93

Case "PY_PRTN"

clm = 79

Case "TY_PRTN"

clm = 66

Case Else

Exit Function

End Select

Select Case in_type_period

Case "Total"

in_thisMonth = 12

Case "YTD"

in_thisMonth = in_thisMonth

End Select

Select Case in_month

Case Is <= in_thisMonth

val = fn_num2num0(Cells(in_row, clm + in_month - 1))

If val = 0 Then val = Empty Else val = val / 1000

Case Else

val = Empty

End Select

result = val

fn_getMonthlyCA = result

End Function


Sub IsOpenTRtoClsd()

Dim wbBook As Workbook

For Each wbBook In Workbooks

If wbBook.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then

If Windows(wbBook.Name).Visible Then

If wbBook.Name Like "Top Russia*" Then wbBook.Close: Exit For

End If

End If

Next wbBook

End Sub


Function fn_getCA_Cnq(in_monthQnc&)

Case cd_ThisYear - 1

fst_order_LOR_PY = Cells(f_i, clm_PYper_LOR_VAL + cd_month_qnc - 1) / 1000

fst_order_PRTN_PY = Cells(f_i, clm_PYper_PRTN_VAL + cd_month_qnc - 1) / 1000

If cd_month_qnc = cd_ThisMonth Then

fst_order_LOR_M_PY = Cells(f_i, clm_PYper_LOR_VAL + cd_month_qnc - 1) / 1000

End If

Case cd_ThisYear

fst_order_LOR_TY = Cells(f_i, clm_TYper_LOR_VAL + cd_month_qnc - 1) / 1000

fst_order_PRTN_TY = Cells(f_i, clm_TYper_PRTN_VAL + cd_month_qnc - 1) / 1000

If cd_month_qnc = cd_ThisMonth Then

fst_order_LOR_M_TY = Cells(f_i, clm_TYper_LOR_VAL + cd_month_qnc - 1) / 1000

End If

End Select

End Function


Function fn_avgCA&(in_data&, in_month&)

Dim result&

If Not IsEmpty(in_data) And IsNumeric(in_data) Then

result = in_data / in_month


result = Empty

End If

fn_avgCA = result

End Function

Sub GetDataTR()

Dim pathc2file$

Dim cd_ThisMonth&, cd_month_qnc&

Dim nm_PatchTR$, nm_brand$, num_LastRow$, nm_Mreg$, nm_Sector$, nm_Mreg_ext$, nm_month_qnc$, nm_business$, nm_Salon$, nm_Salon_addr$, nm_Salon_city$, nm_TypeClntRus$, nm_chain$, nm_Y$, nm_period$

Dim cd_ThisYear&, mag_min_price&, num_month&, mag_max_price&, mag_hd_place&, cd_year_qnc&, cd_sts_dn_cln&, num_StatusHead&, cd_chain&

Dim num_ev_ca#

Dim nm_ActTR$, in_data$

Dim f_b&, iii&, i&, x&, y&, frqOrder&, f_i&, f_y&, f_m&, val_ca_PY_YTD&, val_CA_MYTD_PY&, val_ca&, val_ca_cumul&, val_ca_quarter&, val_ca_TY_YTD&, val_CA_MYTD_TY&

Dim ar_Data(), ar_brand(), ar_nmHead()

nm_WB = ActiveWorkbook.Name

in_data = "in_TR"

fn_CreateSh (in_data)

cd_ThisMonth = CInt(InputBox("Month"))

cd_ThisYear = 2016

'colums CA PRTNN VAL for LTM



ar_month_eng = Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")

ar_brand = Array("LP", "KR", "RD", "MX", "ES", "DE", "CR")

num_ar_brand = UBound(ar_brand)



iii = 0

For f_b = 0 To num_ar_brand

nm_brand = ar_brand(f_b)

nm_PatchTR = "p:\DPP\Business development\Book commercial\" & nm_brand & "\Top Russia Total " & cd_ThisYear & " " & nm_brand & ".xlsm"

nm_ActTR = fn_openFile(nm_PatchTR, nm_brand)

num_LastRow = fn_num_LastRow

For f_i = 4 To num_LastRow

Select Case iii

Case 0

end_clm = 200

ReDim ar_Data(1 To 100000, 1 To end_clm)

ReDim ar_nmHead(1 To end_clm)

Case 1

ReDim Preserve ar_Data(1 To 100000, 1 To num_last_colum)

ReDim Preserve ar_nmHead(1 To num_last_colum)

End Select

nm_Mreg = Cells(f_i, 4)

If Not IsEmpty(nm_Mreg) Then iii = iii + 1

nm_Sector = Cells(f_i, 6)

nm_Mreg_ext = fn_mreg_ext(nm_Mreg, nm_Sector)

nm_Mreg_LT = fn_mreg_lat(nm_Mreg_ext)

nm_REG = Cells(f_i, 5)

nm_FLSM = Cells(f_i, 165)

nm_SREP = Cells(f_i, 7)

nm_Salon = Cells(f_i, 9)

nm_Salon_addr = Cells(f_i, 12)

nm_Salon_city = Cells(f_i, 11)

nm_month_qnc = Cells(f_i, 64)

cd_month_qnc = fn_mont_num(nm_month_qnc)

cd_year_qnc = fn_getYearType(cd_ThisYear, fn_num2num0(Cells(f_i, 65)), 1)

nm_TypeClntRus = Cells(f_i, 18)

nm_club_type = Cells(f_i, 40)

nm_chain = Cells(f_i, 19)

cd_chain = fn_num2numNull(Cells(f_i, 20))

cd_Univers = Cells(f_i, 2)

mag_min_price = fn_rnd_num(Cells(f_i, 23))

mag_max_price = fn_rnd_num(Cells(f_i, 25))

mag_price = fn_mag(mag_min_price, mag_max_price, mag_hd_place, nm_business)

mag_hd_place = fn_rnd_num(Cells(f_i, 27))

mag_type_place = fn_mag(mag_min_price, mag_max_price, mag_hd_place, "place")

vl_mag = mag_price & mag_type_place

If Len(vl_mag) <> 2 Then vl_mag = Null

cnt_AVG_HD = fn_rnd_num(Cells(f_i, 28))

nm_business = fn_type_business(nm_brand)

vr_TypeEmotion = Cells(f_i, 41)

cd_sts_dn_cln = Cells(f_i, 8)

nm_Partners = Cells(f_i, 167)

cd_Partner = Cells(f_i, 173)

num_ev_ca = fn_num2num0(Cells(f_i, 92))

cd_idECAD = Cells(f_i, 29)

EDU_ALLTIME_MSTR = Cells(f_i, 30)

EDU_PY_MSTR = Cells(f_i, 31)

EDU_TY_MSTR = Cells(f_i, 32)

EDU_ALLTIME_CNTCT = Cells(f_i, 33)

EDU_PY_CNTCT = Cells(f_i, 34)

EDU_TY_CNTCT = Cells(f_i, 35)

val_comKPI = Cells(f_i, 209)

type_brand = fn_type_business(nm_brand)

cd_brand_row = nm_brand & Cells(f_i, 1)

n = 1: ar_Data(iii, n) = nm_brand: ar_nmHead(n) = "brand"

n = n + 1: ar_Data(iii, n) = type_brand: ar_nmHead(n) = "bussines"

n = n + 1: ar_Data(iii, n) = Cells(f_i, 1): ar_nmHead(n) = "rowTR"

n = n + 1: ar_Data(iii, n) = cd_brand_row: ar_nmHead(n) = "BRAND_rowTR"

If Len(cd_Univers) <> 9 Then

cd_Univers = cd_brand_row

Else: cd_Univers = cd_Univers

End If

n = n + 1: ar_Data(iii, n) = cd_Univers: ar_nmHead(n) = "unvCD"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = nm_brand & Cells(f_i, 2)

ar_nmHead(n) = "BRAND_unvCD"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = nm_Mreg

ar_nmHead(n) = "mreg"

num_colus = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = nm_Mreg_LT

ar_nmHead(n) = "mreg_EXT"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = nm_REG

ar_nmHead(n) = "REG"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = nm_FLSM

ar_nmHead(n) = "FLSM"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = nm_Sector

ar_nmHead(n) = "SEC"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = nm_SREP

ar_nmHead(n) = "SREP"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_salon_name(nm_Salon, nm_Salon_addr, nm_Salon_city)

ar_nmHead(n) = "salon"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = nm_chain

ar_nmHead(n) = "Chain_name"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = nm_Salon_city

ar_nmHead(n) = "city"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_clnt_type(nm_TypeClntRus, 1)

ar_nmHead(n) = "type_SLN"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_clnt_type(nm_TypeClntRus, 2)

ar_nmHead(n) = "salon_type_eng"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_clnt_type(nm_TypeClntRus, 3)

ar_nmHead(n) = "salon_type_short_eng"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_clnt_type(nm_TypeClntRus, 4)

ar_nmHead(n) = "salon_type_chain_eng"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = cd_chain

ar_nmHead(n) = "cd_chain"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_getNmChainTop(nm_chain, cd_chain, nm_TypeClntRus)

ar_nmHead(n) = "nm_Top10_chain"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = nm_club_type

ar_nmHead(n) = "type_confirmed_CLUB"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = vr_TypeEmotion

ar_nmHead(n) = "type_emotion"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = 1 & "." & cd_month_qnc & "." & cd_year_qnc

ar_nmHead(n) = "date_CNQ_Y"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = cd_month_qnc

ar_nmHead(n) = "date_month_num"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_month_eng(nm_month_qnc)

ar_nmHead(n) = "date_month_name"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_getYearType(cd_ThisYear, cd_year_qnc, 1)

ar_nmHead(n) = "date_year"

n = n + 1

nm_TypeGA_Y = fn_getYearType(cd_ThisYear, cd_year_qnc, 2)

ar_Data(iii, n) = nm_TypeGA_Y

ar_nmHead(n) = "nm_TypeGA_YEAR"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = vl_mag

ar_nmHead(n) = "type_MAG"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = mag_price

ar_nmHead(n) = "type_MAG_PRICE"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = mag_type_place

ar_nmHead(n) = "type_MAG_type_place"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = cd_sts_dn_cln

ar_nmHead(n) = "status_DN_num"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_type_active_DN(cd_sts_dn_cln)

ar_nmHead(n) = "status_DN_name"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_GetLTM(f_i, cd_ThisMonth, "avg_ca")

ar_nmHead(n) = "CA_AVG_LTM"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_GetLTM(f_i, cd_ThisMonth, "type_avg_ca")

ar_nmHead(n) = "CA_AVG_LTM_name"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_GetLTM(f_i, cd_ThisMonth, "frqOrders")

ar_nmHead(n) = "frq_order_LTM"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_num2numNull(num_ev_ca)

ar_nmHead(n) = "CA_ev"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_getVectoreEV(num_ev_ca)

ar_nmHead(n) = "CA_ev_name"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = cd_idECAD

ar_nmHead(n) = "EDU_id_ECAD"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_num2numNull(EDU_ALLTIME_MSTR)

ar_nmHead(n) = "EDU_ALLTIME_MSTR"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_num2numNull(EDU_PY_MSTR)

ar_nmHead(n) = "EDU_PY_MSTR"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_num2numNull(EDU_TY_MSTR)

ar_nmHead(n) = "EDU_TY_MSTR"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_num2numNull(EDU_ALLTIME_CNTCT)

ar_nmHead(n) = "EDU_ALLTIME_CNTCT"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_num2numNull(EDU_PY_CNTCT)

ar_nmHead(n) = "EDU_PY_CNTCT"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_num2numNull(EDU_TY_CNTCT)

ar_nmHead(n) = "EDU_TY_CNTCT"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_num2numNull(mag_hd_place)

ar_nmHead(n) = "type_place_HD"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_num2numNull(cnt_AVG_HD)

ar_nmHead(n) = "type_AVG_HD"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = val_comKPI

ar_nmHead(n) = "com_KPI"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = nm_Partners

ar_nmHead(n) = "nm_PRTNner"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = cd_Partner

ar_nmHead(n) = "cd_PRTNner"




xyz = 0

qq = 0

n = n

clm_ca_q = Empty

For f_y = cd_ThisYear - 1 To cd_ThisYear

nm_Y = fn_getYearType(cd_ThisYear, f_y, 2)

If f_y = cd_ThisYear Then nm_period = "YTD": num_shift_clm = 12 Else nm_period = "Total": num_shift_clm = 0

val_ca_cumul = Empty

nm_ca_quarter = Empty

val_ca_quarter = Empty

For f_m = 1 To 12

val_ca = Empty

val_ca = fn_getMonthlyCA(f_i, f_m, cd_ThisMonth, nm_Y, "LOR", nm_period)

val_ca_cumul = val_ca_cumul + val_ca

clm_ca_m = n + f_m + num_shift_clm

ar_Data(iii, clm_ca_m) = fn_num2numNull(val_ca)

ar_nmHead(clm_ca_m) = "CA_" & nm_Y & "_" & "M" & f_m

clm_ca_ytd = n + f_m + 24 + num_shift_clm

ar_Data(iii, clm_ca_ytd) = fn_num2numNull(val_ca_cumul)

ar_nmHead(clm_ca_ytd) = "CA_" & nm_Y & "_" & "YTD" & f_m

Select Case f_y

Case cd_ThisYear - 1

If f_m = cd_month_qnc Then val_ca_PY_YTD = val_ca_cumul: val_CA_MYTD_PY = val_ca

Case cd_ThisYear

If f_m = cd_month_qnc Then val_ca_TY_YTD = val_ca_cumul: val_CA_MYTD_TY = val_ca

End Select



If fn_quartal(f_m) = nm_ca_quarter Then

val_ca_quarter = val_ca_quarter + val_ca


nm_ca_quarter = fn_quartal(f_m)

val_ca_quarter = val_ca

qq = qq + 1

clm_ca_q = n + 48 + qq

End If

ar_Data(iii, clm_ca_q) = fn_num2numNull(val_ca_quarter)

ar_nmHead(clm_ca_q) = "CA_" & nm_Y & "_" & nm_ca_quarter

Next f_m

xyz = xyz + 1

Next f_y


' first conq order


n = n + 24 * xyz + 8

fst_order_LOR_TY = Empty

fst_order_PRTN_TY = Empty

fst_order_LOR_PY = Empty

fst_order_PRTN_PY = Empty

fst_order_LOR_M_TY = Empty

fst_order_LOR_M_PY = Empty

Select Case nm_TypeGA_Y

Case "PY"

fst_order_LOR_PY = fn_getMonthlyCA(f_i, cd_ThisMonth, cd_ThisMonth, "PY", "LOR", "YTD")

fst_order_PRTN_PY = fn_getMonthlyCA(f_i, cd_ThisMonth, cd_ThisMonth, "PY", "PRTN", "YTD")

If cd_month_qnc = cd_ThisMonth Then fst_order_LOR_M_PY = fn_getMonthlyCA(f_i, cd_ThisMonth, cd_ThisMonth, "PY", "LOR", "YTD")

Case "TY"

fst_order_LOR_TY = fn_getMonthlyCA(f_i, cd_ThisMonth, cd_ThisMonth, "TY", "LOR", "YTD")

fst_order_PRTN_TY = fn_getMonthlyCA(f_i, cd_ThisMonth, cd_ThisMonth, "TY", "PRTN", "YTD")

If cd_month_qnc = cd_ThisMonth Then fst_order_LOR_M_TY = fn_getMonthlyCA(f_i, cd_ThisMonth, cd_ThisMonth, "TY", "LOR", "YTD")

End Select

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fst_order_LOR_PY

ar_nmHead(n) = "PY_CNQ_Order"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fst_order_LOR_M_PY

ar_nmHead(n) = "M_PY_CNQ_Order"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fst_order_LOR_TY

ar_nmHead(n) = "TY_CNQ_Order"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fst_order_LOR_M_TY

ar_nmHead(n) = "M_TY_CNQ_Order"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fst_order_PRTN_PY

ar_nmHead(n) = "PY_CNQ_Order_PRTN_CA"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fst_order_PRTN_TY

ar_nmHead(n) = "TY_CNQ_Order_PRTN_CA"


'creat ca val loreal PYvsTY YTD


n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = val_ca_PY_YTD

ar_nmHead(n) = "CA_PY_YTD"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_avgCA(val_ca_PY_YTD, cd_ThisMonth)

ar_nmHead(n) = "AVG_CA_PY_YTD"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = val_CA_MYTD_PY

ar_nmHead(n) = "CA_PY_M"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_avgCA(val_CA_MYTD_PY, cd_ThisMonth)

ar_nmHead(n) = "AVG_CA_PY_M"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = val_ca_TY_YTD

ar_nmHead(n) = "CA_TY_YTD"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_avgCA(val_ca_TY_YTD, cd_ThisMonth)

ar_nmHead(n) = "AVG_CA_TY_YTD"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = val_CA_MYTD_TY

ar_nmHead(n) = "CA_TY_M"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = fn_avgCA(val_CA_MYTD_TY, cd_ThisMonth)

ar_nmHead(n) = "CA_AVG_TY_M"

n = n + 1

If val_ca_PY_YTD <> 0 And val_ca_TY_YTD = 0 Then

type_cln_react = "lost"

val_ca_PY_YTD_lost = val_ca_PY_YTD * -1

End If

If val_ca_PY_YTD = 0 And val_ca_TY_YTD = 0 Then

sts_clnt_act = "null"


type_cln_react = "act"

val_ca_PY_YTD_lost = ""

End If

If sts_clnt_act <> 0 Then

type_cln_react = "lost"

val_ca_PY_YTD_lost = val_ca_PY_YTD


type_cln_react = "act"

val_ca_PY_YTD_lost = ""

End If

ar_Data(iii, n) = type_cln_react

ar_nmHead(n) = "type_LOST"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = val_ca_PY_YTD_lost

ar_nmHead(n) = "CA_LOST_PY"




n = n + 1

dt_st = 0

'If val_ca_PY_YTD > 0 Then dt_st = dt_st + 1

'If val_ca_TY_YTD > 0 Then dt_st = dt_st + 1

If cd_sts_dn_cln = 1 Then dt_st = dt_st + 1

If nm_TypeGA_Y = "PPY" Then dt_st = dt_st + 1

If dt_st = 2 Then

dt_st_nm = 1


dt_st_nm = 0

End If

ar_Data(iii, n) = dt_st_nm

ar_nmHead(n) = "LfL"

n = n + 1

Select Case nm_TypeGA_Y

Case "PPY"

If dt_st_nm = 1 Then

nm_TypeGA_Y_2 = nm_TypeGA_Y & " LfL"


nm_TypeGA_Y_2 = nm_TypeGA_Y & " not LfL"

End If

Case Else

nm_TypeGA_Y_2 = nm_TypeGA_Y

End Select

ar_Data(iii, n) = nm_TypeGA_Y_2

ar_nmHead(n) = "nm_TypeGA_YEAR_DT"


If dt_st_nm = 1 Then

val_ca_PY_YTD_dt = val_ca_PY_YTD

val_ca_TY_YTD_dt = val_ca_TY_YTD

val_CA_MYTD_PY_dt = val_CA_MYTD_PY

val_CA_MYTD_TY_dt = val_CA_MYTD_TY


val_ca_PY_YTD_dt = Null

val_ca_TY_YTD_dt = Null

val_CA_MYTD_PY_dt = Null

val_CA_MYTD_TY_dt = Null

End If

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = val_ca_PY_YTD_dt

ar_nmHead(n) = "CA_PY_LfL"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = val_ca_TY_YTD_dt

ar_nmHead(n) = "CA_TY_LfL"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = val_CA_MYTD_PY_dt

ar_nmHead(n) = "CA_M_PY_LfL"

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = val_CA_MYTD_TY_dt

ar_nmHead(n) = "CA_M_TY_LfL"


'CA YTD split by GA

For f_qe = 1 To 3

Select Case f_qe

Case 1

find_nm_TypeGA_Y = "PPY"

Case 2

find_nm_TypeGA_Y = "CNQ_PY"

Case 3

find_nm_TypeGA_Y = "CNQ_TY"

End Select

If nm_TypeGA_Y = find_nm_TypeGA_Y Then

val_ca_PY_YTD_GA = val_ca_PY_YTD

val_ca_TY_YTD_GA = val_ca_TY_YTD




val_ca_PY_YTD_GA = Null

val_ca_TY_YTD_GA = Null

val_CA_MYTD_PY_GA = Null

val_CA_MYTD_TY_GA = Null

End If

If val_ca_PY_YTD_GA = 0 Then val_ca_PY_YTD_GA = Null

If val_ca_TY_YTD_GA = 0 Then val_ca_TY_YTD_GA = Null

If val_ca_PY_YTD_GA = 0 Then val_CA_MYTD_PY_GA = Null

If val_ca_TY_YTD_GA = 0 Then val_CA_MYTD_TY_GA = Null

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = val_ca_PY_YTD_GA

ar_nmHead(n) = "CA_PY_" & find_nm_TypeGA_Y

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = val_ca_TY_YTD_GA

ar_nmHead(n) = "CA_TY_" & find_nm_TypeGA_Y

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = val_CA_MYTD_PY_GA

ar_nmHead(n) = "CA_M_PY_" & find_nm_TypeGA_Y

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = val_CA_MYTD_TY_GA

ar_nmHead(n) = "CA_M_TY_" & find_nm_TypeGA_Y

Next f_qe


If CInt(cd_year_qnc) = cd_ThisYear And cd_month_qnc <= cd_ThisMonth Then

nm_sts_Act_CLN = "NEW"


If val_ca_TY_YTD <> 0 And CInt(cd_year_qnc) <> cd_ThisYear Then

nm_sts_Act_CLN = "REACTIVATED"


If sumCA12M <> 0 And val_ca_TY_YTD = 0 Then



If sumCA_PY2LTM <> 0 And sumCA12M = 0 Then

nm_sts_Act_CLN = "LOST"


nm_sts_Act_CLN = "OTHER"

End If

End If

End If

End If

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = nm_sts_Act_CLN

ar_nmHead(n) = "Status_CLNT"


'creat closed data


nm_clsd_open_month = Empty

clm_m = 0

Select Case nm_sts_Act_CLN

Case "LOST"

For f_m = cd_ThisMonth To 1 Step -1

clm_m = clm_PYper_LOR_VAL + f_m - 1

If Cells(f_i, clm_m) <> 0 Then

num_clsd_open_month = f_m

nm_clsd_open_month = ar_month_eng(f_m - 1)

Exit For

End If

Next f_m

Case "NEW"

nm_clsd_open_month = nmMonth

Case Else

nm_clsd_open_month = Empty

End Select

n = n + 1

ar_Data(iii, n) = nm_clsd_open_month

ar_nmHead(n) = "Closed_Open_month"


num_last_colum = n

Next f_i

If nm_ActTR <> nm_WB Then



MsgBox ("ERR" & ar_brand(f_b))

End If

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

Next f_b


If Sheets(in_data).Visible = False Then

Sheets(in_data).Visible = True

End If


'clear sheet & create head & create name OR fiil data



end_POS = iii

start_POS = 2

Dim n As Name

For Each n In ThisWorkbook.Names

On Error Resume Next


Next n

For t = 1 To n

Cells(1, t) = ar_nmHead(t)

Cells(1, t).Select

ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=ar_nmHead(t), RefersTo:="=" & ActiveSheet.Name & "!" & ActiveCell.Address()

Next t

ActiveSheet.Cells(start_POS, 1).Resize(end_POS - start_POS, n) = ar_Data()

num_StatusHead = 1

ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="SOURCE", RefersToR1C1:="=OFFSET(in_TR!R1C1,0,0,COUNTA(in_TR!R1C1:R65535C1),COUNTA(in_TR!R1C1:R1C255))"

'ActiveWorkbook.Names("SOURCE").Comment = ""


Sheets(in_data).Visible = False



End Sub

Так же в этом разделе:
MyTetra Share v.0.67
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