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Время создания: 12.10.2019 20:12
Текстовые метки: рекордсет
Раздел: Разные закладки - VBA - Excel - Сводные
Запись: xintrea/mytetra_db_adgaver_new/master/base/15128374496f1fmvkz87/text.html на

Attribute VB_Name = "xSrt"

Option Compare Text

Option Explicit

Option Base 0

Const cMod$ = cLib & ".xSrt"

Function Srt_Ay(pAy$(), oAy$()) As Boolean

Const cSub$ = "Srt_Ay"

Const cNmtTmp$ = "TmpSrt"

If jj.Siz_Ay(pAy) = 0 Then oAy = pAy: Exit Function

On Error GoTo R

If jj.Dlt_Tbl(cNmtTmp) Then ss.A 1: GoTo E

If jj.Run_Sql(jj.Fmt_Str("Create table {0} (aa Text(255))", cNmtTmp)) Then ss.A 2: GoTo E

With CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * from " & cNmtTmp)

Dim J%: For J = LBound(pAy) To UBound(pAy)


!aa.Value = pAy(J)




End With

ReDim oAy(LBound(pAy) To UBound(pAy))

With CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * from " & cNmtTmp & " order by aa")

J = LBound(pAy)

While Not .EOF

oAy(J) = !aa

J = J + 1




End With

If jj.Dlt_Tbl(cNmtTmp) Then ss.A 3: GoTo E

Exit Function

R: ss.R

E: Srt_Ay = True: ss.B cSub, cMod

End Function

Function Srt_Ay_Tst() As Boolean

Dim mA$(2), mB$()

mA(0) = 10

mA(1) = 9

mA(2) = 8

If jj.Srt_Ay(mA, mB) Then Stop

Debug.Print mB(0)

Debug.Print mB(1)

Debug.Print mB(2)

Debug.Print jj.Siz_Ay(mB)

End Function

Function Srt_Coll(oColl As VBA.Collection, pColl As VBA.Collection) As Boolean

Const cSub$ = "Srt_SortColl"

Const cNmtTmp$ = "#Tmp"

If jj.IsAcs Then

If jj.Dlt_Tbl(cNmtTmp) Then ss.A 1: GoTo E

If jj.Run_Sql(jj.Fmt_Str("Create table {0} (aa Text(255))", cNmtTmp)) Then ss.A 1: GoTo E

Dim iStr: For Each iStr In pColl

If jj.Run_Sql("insert into [" & cNmtTmp & "] (aa) values('" & iStr & "')") Then ss.A 2: GoTo E


Set oColl = New VBA.Collection

With CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * from [" & cNmtTmp & "] order by aa")

While Not .EOF

oColl.Add CStr(!aa.Value)




End With

jj.Dlt_Tbl cNmtTmp

Exit Function

End If

#If Xls Then

If jj.IsXls Then


Dim iRno&: iRno = 0

For Each iStr In pColl

iRno = iRno + 1

Sheet1.Cells(iRno, 1).Value = iStr


Sheet1.Range("A1:A" & iRno).Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _

OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _


Set oColl = New VBA.Collection

For iRno = 1 To iRno

oColl.Add Sheet1.Cells(iRno, 1).Value


Exit Function

End If

#End If

Exit Function

R: ss.R

E: Srt_Coll = True: ss.B cSub, cMod, "pColl", jj.ToStr_Coll(pColl)

End Function

Function Srt_Lv$(pLv$)

Const cSub$ = "Srt_Lv"

On Error GoTo R

If pLv$ = "" Then Srt_Lv = "": Exit Function

Dim mAy1$(): mAy1 = Split(pLv, cComma)

Dim mAy2$(): If jj.Srt_Ay(mAy1, mAy2) Then ss.A 1, "Cannot sort array": GoTo E

Srt_Lv = Join(mAy2, cComma)

Exit Function

R: ss.R

E: ss.B cSub, cMod, "pLv", pLv

Srt_Lv = ""

End Function

Function Srt_Pt(pPt As PivotTable) As Boolean

Dim iPf As PivotField

For Each iPf In pPt.PivotFields

With iPf

If .Name <> "Data" Then .AutoSort xlAscending, .Name

End With


End Function

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