Drag & Drop methods
Время создания: 18.05.2017 21:50
Раздел: Python - wx - classes - wx - TextCtrl
Запись: xintrea/mytetra_db_mcold/master/base/14951334186ebe2e5fh3/text.html на raw.githubusercontent.com
Methods Description OnEnter(x, y, dragResult) This is called when a drag object enters the window. The dragResult value returned from this method sets the custom cursor to provide feedback to the user (wx.DragCancel, wx.DragCopy, and so on). OnDragOver(x, y, dragResult) This is called while the object is dragged over the window. It returns a dragResult to give visual feedback. OnLeave() This is called when the drag object leaves the window. OnDrop(x, y) This is called when the drag object is dropped in the window. This method should return True if the data is accepted. OnData(x, y, dragResult) This is called after the data is accepted in OnDrop. The dropped data object is contained in drop targets data object (refer to GetDataObject). This should then typically just return the default passed in dragResult. |
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