randomly shuffling files in bash
Время создания: 14.01.2015 15:45
Раздел: root - Linux - Console - bash
Запись: Yurons/mytetra/master/base/142123952324hhlyda57/text.html на raw.github.com
get_some_lines | sort -R or get_some_lines | shuf if you don't have shuf or your sort doesn't know the -R, you can use for example: standard perl: get_some_lines | perl -MList::Util=shuffle -e 'print shuffle<STDIN>' or BASH script get_some_lines | while IFS= read -r line do printf "%06d %s\n" $RANDOM "$line" done | sort -n | cut -c8- the same numbered sort trick with awk get_some_lines | awk 'BEGIN{srand()}{printf "%06d %s\n", rand()*1000000, $0;}' | sort -n | cut -c8- In your case, the get_some_lines should be the: cat file1 file2 #or cat file2 file1 :) |
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