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importError: no module named _winreg python3
Время создания: 17.07.2018 11:16
Текстовые метки: python python3 python2 compatibility winreg error
Раздел: Python
Запись: Velonski/mytetra-database/master/base/1531808197lv3rtt3sq4/text.html на

Where can I download _winreg for python3 if I can at all. I have my 'windir' on E:\Windows. I do not know if cx_Freeze did not notice that. I am using cx_Freeze to create an msi installer.

python cx-freeze winreg

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asked Dec 1 '10 at 2:47



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As it says in the _winreg documentation, it has been renamed to winreg in Python 3.0. You should run the 2to3 tool if you're converting code that was written for Python 2.x.

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answered Dec 1 '10 at 2:53



Thanx, I went into the offending code and renamed _winreg to winreg. – BantuCoder Dec 1 '10 at 3:09

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