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How to import a module given the full path?
Время создания: 13.07.2018 15:30
Текстовые метки: python import module full path
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How can I load a Python module given its full path? Note that the file can be anywhere in the filesystem, as it is a configuration option.

python configuration python-import python-module

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edited Feb 16 '14 at 15:36



asked Sep 15 '08 at 22:30



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23 Answers

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For Python 3.5+ use:

import importlib.util

spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("", "/path/to/")

foo = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)



For Python 3.3 and 3.4 use:

from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader

foo = SourceFileLoader("", "/path/to/").load_module()


(Although this has been deprecated in Python 3.4.)

Python 2 use:

import imp

foo = imp.load_source('', '/path/to/')


There are equivalent convenience functions for compiled Python files and DLLs.

See also.

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edited Dec 7 '15 at 14:31

answered Sep 15 '08 at 22:41

Sebastian Rittau



If I knew the namespace - '' - I would already use __import__. – Sridhar Ratnakumar Aug 10 '09 at 21:54


@SridharRatnakumar the value of the first argument of imp.load_source only sets the .__name__ of the returned module. it doesn't effect loading. – Dan D. Dec 14 '11 at 4:51


@DanD. — the first argument of imp.load_source() determines the key of the new entry created in the sys.modules dictionary, so the first argument does indeed affect loading. – Brandon Rhodes Apr 21 '13 at 16:32


The imp module is deprecated since version 3.4: The imp package is pending deprecation in favor of importlib. – Chiel ten Brinke Dec 8 '13 at 11:20


One might think that python imports are getting more and more complicated with each new version. – AXO Mar 8 '16 at 13:32

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The advantage of adding a path to sys.path (over using imp) is that it simplifies things when importing more than one module from a single package. For example:

import sys

# the mock-0.3.1 dir contains, &


from testcase import TestCase

from testutils import RunTests

from mock import Mock, sentinel, patch

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answered Sep 24 '08 at 19:36

Daryl Spitzer



How do we use sys.path.append to point to a single python file instead of a directory? – Phani Jan 13 '14 at 17:46


:-) Perhaps your question would be better suited as a StackOverflow question, not a comment on an answer. – Daryl Spitzer Mar 6 '15 at 0:12


To all people who were trying to include a file to their path... by definition "the shell path is a colon delimited list of directories". I'm relatively new to python, but the python path also follows the unix design principle from what I have seen. Please correct me if I am wrong. – Michael Baptist Apr 15 '15 at 5:37


The python path can contain zip archives, "eggs" (a complex kind of zip archives), etc. Modules can be imported out of them. So the path elements are indeed containers of files, but they are not necessarily directories. – alexis Apr 30 '15 at 21:21


Beware of the fact that Python caches import statements. In the rare case that you have two different folders sharing a single class name (classX), the approach of adding a path to sys.path, importing classX, removing the path and repeating for the reamaining paths won't work. Python will always load the class from the first path from its cache. In my case I aimed at creating a plugin system where all plugins implement a specific classX. I ended up using SourceFileLoader, note that its deprecation is controversial. – ComFreek Jul 3 '15 at 17:18

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You can also do something like this and add the directory that the configuration file is sitting in to the Python load path, and then just do a normal import, assuming you know the name of the file in advance, in this case "config".

Messy, but it works.

configfile = '~/'

import os

import sys


import config

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edited Jan 17 '14 at 22:38

Peter Mortensen


answered Sep 15 '08 at 22:44



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You can use the

load_source(module_name, path_to_file)

method from imp module.

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edited Nov 11 '14 at 7:07



answered Sep 15 '08 at 22:41



... and imp.load_dynamic(module_name, path_to_file) for DLLs – HEKTO Dec 16 '15 at 19:03


heads up that imp is deprecated now. – t1m0 Apr 6 '16 at 18:11

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It sounds like you don't want to specifically import the configuration file (which has a whole lot of side effects and additional complications involved), you just want to run it, and be able to access the resulting namespace. The standard library provides an API specifically for that in the form of runpy.run_path:

from runpy import run_path

settings = run_path("/path/to/")

That interface is available in Python 2.7 and Python 3.2+

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answered May 20 '16 at 6:52



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def import_file(full_path_to_module):


import os

module_dir, module_file = os.path.split(full_path_to_module)

module_name, module_ext = os.path.splitext(module_file)

save_cwd = os.getcwd()


module_obj = __import__(module_name)

module_obj.__file__ = full_path_to_module

globals()[module_name] = module_obj



raise ImportError


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answered Sep 16 '08 at 1:43

Chris Calloway



Why write 14 lines of buggy code when this is already addressed by the standard library? You haven't done error checking on format or content of full_path_to_module or the os.whatever operations; and using a catch-all except: clause is rarely a good idea. – Chris Johnson Jun 7 '13 at 19:17

You should use more "try-finally"s in here. E.g. save_cwd = os.getcwd() try: … finally: os.chdir(save_cwd) – kay Sep 21 '14 at 1:33


@ChrisJohnson this is already addressed by the standard library yeah, but python has nasty habit of not being backward-compatible... as the checked answer says there're 2 different ways before and after 3.3. In that case I'd rather like to write my own universal function than check version on the fly. And yes, maybe this code isn't too well error-protected, but it shows an idea (which is os.chdir(), I haven't though about it), basing on which I can write a better code. Hence +1. – Sushi271 May 15 '15 at 10:27

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Do you mean load or import?

You can manipulate the sys.path list specify the path to your module, then import your module. For example, given a module at:


You could do:

import sys

sys.path[0:0] = '/foo' # puts the /foo directory at the start of your path

import bar

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edited Jul 9 '10 at 5:30

Eric Schoonover


answered Sep 15 '08 at 22:46



@Wheat Why sys.path[0:0] instead of sys.path[0]? – user618677 Jan 9 '12 at 6:56


B/c sys.path[0] = xy overwrites the first path item while path[0:0] =xy is equivalent to path.insert(0, xy) – dom0 Nov 15 '12 at 14:16


hm the path.insert worked for me but the [0:0] trick did not. – jsh Sep 30 '13 at 3:18


sys.path[0:0] = ['/foo'] – Kevin Edwards Apr 1 '15 at 17:00

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I believe you can use imp.find_module() and imp.load_module() to load the specified module. You'll need to split the module name off of the path, i.e. if you wanted to load /home/mypath/ you'd need to do:

imp.find_module('mymodule', '/home/mypath/')

...but that should get the job done.

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edited Jan 2 '15 at 11:08

Mathieu Rodic


answered Sep 15 '08 at 22:37



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Here is some code that works in all Python versions, from 2.7-3.5 and probably even others.

config_file = "/tmp/"

with open(config_file) as f:

code = compile(, config_file, 'exec')

exec(code, globals(), locals())

I tested it. It may be ugly but so far is the only one that works in all versions.

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answered Jun 3 '16 at 10:04



This answer worked for me where load_source did not because it imports the script and provides the script access to the modules and globals at the time of importing. – Klik Nov 22 '17 at 19:13

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I have come up with a slightly modified version of @SebastianRittau's wonderful answer (for Python > 3.4 I think), which will allow you to load a file with any extension as a module using spec_from_loader instead of spec_from_file_location:

from importlib.util import spec_from_loader, module_from_spec

from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader

spec = spec_from_loader("", SourceFileLoader("", "/path/to/"))

mod = module_from_spec(spec)


The advantage of encoding the path in an explicit SourceFileLoader is that the machinery will not try to figure out the type of the file from the extension. This means that you can load something like a .txt file using this method, but you could not do it with spec_from_file_location without specifying the loader because .txt is not in importlib.machinery.SOURCE_SUFFIXES.

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edited Nov 9 '17 at 9:27



answered Apr 25 '17 at 5:45

Mad Physicist


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This should work

path = os.path.join('./path/to/folder/with/py/files', '*.py')

for infile in glob.glob(path):

basename = os.path.basename(infile)

basename_without_extension = basename[:-3]


imp.load_source(basename_without_extension, infile)

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edited Jan 4 '12 at 4:28



answered Jan 4 '12 at 2:17




A more general way to cut the extension out is: name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(infile)). Your method works because the previous restriction to .py extension. Also, you should probably import the module to some variable/dictionary entry. – ReneSac Dec 6 '12 at 13:16

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This area of Python 3.4 seems to be extremely tortuous to understand! However with a bit of hacking using the code from Chris Calloway as a start I managed to get something working. Here's the basic function.

def import_module_from_file(full_path_to_module):


Import a module given the full path/filename of the .py file

Python 3.4


module = None


# Get module name and path from full path

module_dir, module_file = os.path.split(full_path_to_module)

module_name, module_ext = os.path.splitext(module_file)

# Get module "spec" from filename

spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name,full_path_to_module)

module = spec.loader.load_module()

except Exception as ec:

# Simple error printing

# Insert "sophisticated" stuff here



return module

This appears to use non-deprecated modules from Python 3.4. I don't pretend to understand why, but it seems to work from within a program. I found Chris' solution worked on the command line but not from inside a program.

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answered Apr 12 '15 at 12:22



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I'm not saying that it is better, but for the sake of completeness, I wanted to suggest the exec function, available in both python 2 and 3. exec allows you to execute arbitrary code in either the global scope, or in an internal scope, provided as a dictionary.

For example, if you have a module stored in "/path/to/module" with the function foo(), you could run it by doing the following:

module = dict()

with open("/path/to/module") as f:

exec(, module)


This makes it a bit more explicit that you're loading code dynamically, and grants you some additional power, such as the ability to provide custom builtins.

And if having access through attributes, instead of keys is important to you, you can design a custom dict class for the globals, that provides such access, e.g.:

class MyModuleClass(dict):

def __getattr__(self, name):

return self.__getitem__(name)

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answered Jun 2 '15 at 19:57




execfile(), also – crowder Jun 20 '15 at 4:13

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To import a module from a given filename, you can temporarily extend the path, and restore the system path in the finally block reference:

filename = "directory/"

directory, module_name = os.path.split(filename)

module_name = os.path.splitext(module_name)[0]

path = list(sys.path)

sys.path.insert(0, directory)


module = __import__(module_name)


sys.path[:] = path # restore

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answered Oct 2 '15 at 11:14

Peter Zhu


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Import package modules at runtime (Python recipe)


## #

## #

## #


import sys, types

def _get_mod(modulePath):


aMod = sys.modules[modulePath]

if not isinstance(aMod, types.ModuleType):

raise KeyError

except KeyError:

# The last [''] is very important!

aMod = __import__(modulePath, globals(), locals(), [''])

sys.modules[modulePath] = aMod

return aMod

def _get_func(fullFuncName):

"""Retrieve a function object from a full dotted-package name."""

# Parse out the path, module, and function

lastDot = fullFuncName.rfind(u".")

funcName = fullFuncName[lastDot + 1:]

modPath = fullFuncName[:lastDot]

aMod = _get_mod(modPath)

aFunc = getattr(aMod, funcName)

# Assert that the function is a *callable* attribute.

assert callable(aFunc), u"%s is not callable." % fullFuncName

# Return a reference to the function itself,

# not the results of the function.

return aFunc

def _get_class(fullClassName, parentClass=None):

"""Load a module and retrieve a class (NOT an instance).

If the parentClass is supplied, className must be of parentClass

or a subclass of parentClass (or None is returned).


aClass = _get_func(fullClassName)

# Assert that the class is a subclass of parentClass.

if parentClass is not None:

if not issubclass(aClass, parentClass):

raise TypeError(u"%s is not a subclass of %s" %

(fullClassName, parentClass))

# Return a reference to the class itself, not an instantiated object.

return aClass


## Usage ##


class StorageManager: pass

class StorageManagerMySQL(StorageManager): pass

def storage_object(aFullClassName, allOptions={}):

aStoreClass = _get_class(aFullClassName, StorageManager)

return aStoreClass(allOptions)

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edited Dec 22 '13 at 2:17

Eric Leschinski


answered Sep 15 '08 at 22:43



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You can use the pkgutil module (specifically the walk_packages method) to get a list of the packages in the current directory. From there it's trivial to use the importlib machinery to import the modules you want:

import pkgutil

import importlib

packages = pkgutil.walk_packages(path='.')

for importer, name, is_package in packages:

mod = importlib.import_module(name)

# do whatever you want with module now, it's been imported!

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edited Jan 2 '15 at 11:04

Mathieu Rodic


answered Sep 13 '14 at 19:57



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In Linux, adding a symbolic link in the directory your python script is located works.


ln -s /absolute/path/to/module/ /absolute/path/to/script/

python will create /absolute/path/to/script/module.pyc and will update it if you change the contents of /absolute/path/to/module/

then include the following in

from module import *

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edited Apr 11 at 17:21

Micah Smith


answered Nov 18 '14 at 13:06




This is the hack I used, and it has caused me some problems. One of the more painful ones was that IDEA has an issue where it doesn't pickup altered code from within the link, but yet attempts to save what it thinks is there. A race condition where the last to save is what sticks... I lost a decent amount of work because of this. – Gripp Jun 16 '15 at 23:23

@Gripp not sure if I am understanding your issue, but I frequently (almost exclusively) edit my scripts on a remote server from my desktop via SFTP with a client like CyberDuck, and in that case as well it is a bad idea to try and edit the symlinked file, instead its much safer to edit the original file. You can catch some of these issues by using git and checking your git status to verify that your changes to the script are actually making it back to the source document and not getting lost in the ether. – user5359531 Aug 1 '17 at 19:39

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I made a package that uses imp for you. I call it import_file and this is how it's used:

>>>from import_file import import_file

>>>mylib = import_file('c:\\')

>>>another = import_file('relative_subdir/')

You can get it at:

or at

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answered Jun 8 '11 at 19:41




os.chdir ? (minimal characters to approve comment). – ychaouche Oct 14 '12 at 10:46

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quite simple way: suppose you want import file with relative path ../../MyLibs/

libPath = '../../MyLibs'

import sys

if not libPath in sys.path: sys.path.append(libPath)

import pyfunc as pf

But if you make it without a guard you can finally get a very long path

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answered Jan 26 at 4:52

Andrei Keino


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Adding this to the list of answers as I couldn't find anything that worked. This will allow imports of compiled (pyd) python modules in 3.4:

import sys

import importlib.machinery

def load_module(name, filename):

# If the Loader finds the module name in this list it will use

# module_name.__file__ instead so we need to delete it here

if name in sys.modules:

del sys.modules[name]

loader = importlib.machinery.ExtensionFileLoader(name, filename)

module = loader.load_module()

locals()[name] = module

globals()[name] = module

load_module('something', r'C:\Path\To\something.pyd')


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answered Jan 10 at 15:58



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If your top-level module is not a file but is packaged as a directory with, then the accepted solution almost works, but not quite. In Python 3.5+ the following code is needed (note the added line that begins with 'sys.modules'):

MODULE_PATH = "/path/to/your/module/"

MODULE_NAME = "mymodule"

spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("mymodule", MODULE_PATH)

module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)

sys.modules[] = module


Without this line, when exec_module is executed, it tries to bind relative imports in your top level to the top level module name -- in this case "mymodule". But "mymodule" isn't loaded yet so you'll get the error "SystemError: Parent module 'mymodule' not loaded, cannot perform relative import". So you need to bind the name before you load it. The reason for this is the fundamental invariant of the relative import system: "The invariant holding is that if you have sys.modules['spam'] and sys.modules[''] (as you would after the above import), the latter must appear as the foo attribute of the former" as discussed here.

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answered May 17 at 15:23

Sam Grondahl


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A simple solution using importlib instead of the imp package (tested for Python 2.7, although it should work for Python 3 too):

import importlib

dirname, basename = os.path.split(pyfilepath) # pyfilepath: /my/path/

sys.path.append(dirname) # only directories should be added to PYTHONPATH

module_name = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] # /my/path/ --> mymodule

module = importlib.import_module(module_name) # name space of defined module (otherwise we would literally look for "module_name")

Now you can directly use the namespace of the imported module, like this:

a = module.myvar

b = module.myfunc(a)

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answered May 24 at 12:07



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