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tacnoman/dephpugger - Php Debugger to run in terminal to debug your code easily.
Время создания: 13.07.2018 15:30
Текстовые метки: php debug
Раздел: PHP
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What is Dephpugger?

Dephpugger (read depugger) is an open source lib to make a debug in php direct in terminal, without necessary configure an IDE. The dephpugger run in Php Built in Server using another command. You can use for:

Web applications

Lumen in example

dephpugger web Image 1.0 - Screenrecord for debug web

Cli Scripts

dephpugger Image 1.1 - Screenrecord for debug cli scripts

Another example



To install you must run this code (using the composer).

$ composer require tacnoman/dephpugger

Install globally

In Linux or Mac Os X

Run this command:

$ composer global require tacnoman/dephpugger

And add in your ~/.bash_profile.

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin

Now run source ~/.bash_profile and you can run the commands using only $ dephpugger.


PHP 7.0 or more (not tested in older versions)

Xdebug activate

A Plugin for your browser (If you want to debug a web application)

Plugins for





You can run this commands to check your dependencies:

$ vendor/bin/dephpugger requirements

$ vendor/bin/dephpugger info # To get all values setted in xDebug

# Or in global

$ dephpugger requirements

$ dephpugger info


To usage you must (after installation) run two binaries in vendor/bin folder.

$ php vendor/bin/dephpugger debugger # Debugger waiting debug

$ php vendor/bin/dephpugger server # Server running in port 8888

# Or in global

$ dephpugger debugger

$ dephpugger server

You must run in two different tabs (in next version you'll can run in an uniq tab). After run theese commands, you need to put the follow line in your code:


# ...

xdebug_break(); # This code is a breakpoint like ipdb in Python and Byebug in Ruby

# ....

Now, you can open in your browser the page (localhost:8888/[yourPage.php]). When you request this page your terminal will start in breakpoint (like the image 1.0).

To debugger a php script, you could run:

$ php vendor/bin/dephpugger cli myJob.php

# Or in global

$ dephpugger cli myJob.php

Comands after run

When you stop in a breakpoint you can make theese commands:

Command Alias Explanation

next n To run a step over in code

step s To run a step into in code

set <cmd>:<value> Change verboseMode or lineOffset in runtime

continue c To continue script until found another breakpoint or finish the code

list l Show next lines in script

list-previous lp Show previous lines in script

help h Show help instructions

$variable Get a value from a variable

$variable = 33 Set a variable

my_function() Call a function

dbgp(<command>) To run a command in dbgp

quit q Exit the debugger

Configuration (is simple)

The Dephpugger project has default options like a port, host, socket port, etc. You can change this values adding a file .dephpugger.yml in root directory project. You can create in your .dephpugger.yml file the configurations. Like this:



host: # default: localhost

port: 9002 # default: 9005

lineOffset: 10 # default: 6

verboseMode: false # default: false

historyFile: ~/.dephpugger_history # default: .dephpugger_history


host: # default: localhost

port: 8080 # default: 8888

path: ./public/ # default: null

file: index.php # default: null

Theese values will replace the default configuration.

Full documentation

To see the full documentation click here.

How to use with phpunit, behat, codeception and others

The documentation to use, click here.

Run tests

$ phpunit


Send me an email or open an issue:

Renato Cassino - Tacnoman - <>

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