Параметры командной строки MS Access
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Параметры командной строки MS AccessПо материалам: https://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru/kb/105128
<database> Opens the specified database. /Excl Opens the database for exclusive access. /Ro Opens the database for read-only access. /User <user name> Starts Access using the specified user name. You'll be prompted for the path to Msaccess.exe. /Pwd <password> Starts Access using the specified password. You'll be prompted for the path to Msaccess.exe. /X <macro> Starts Access and runs specified macro. /Cmd Specifies what value to pass to the Command function in an Access Basic procedure that is called by a RunCode action in an AutoExec macro. This option must be the last option on the command line.
/Compact <target database> Compacts the database specified before the /Compact option and then closes Microsoft Access. To compact to a different name, specify a target database. /Repair Repairs the specified database and then closes Microsoft Access. /Convert <target database> Converts a version 1.x database to a version 2.0 database, with a new name, and then closes Microsoft Access. Specify the source database before the /Convert option. В Microsoft Access 97 и 7.0: /Profile <user profile> This replaces the /ini option used in previous versions to specify an initialization file. The option starts Microsoft Access using the options in a specified user profile instead of the standard Windows Registry settings. /NoStartup This option starts Microsoft Access without displaying the startup dialog box. /Wrkgrp <system filename> You can start Microsoft Access with a specific workgroup. /Runtime Starts Microsoft Access in run-time mode.
Примечание: /Convert <target database> Converts a database in an earlier version (1.x or 2.0) to a Microsoft Access 95 or 97 database with a new name, and then closes Microsoft Access. Specify the source database before the /Convert option.
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