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Python examples (example source code) Organized by topic
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Текстовые метки: Python,CatalogPython
Раздел: Разные закладки - Python - Документация на
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GUI Tk /

Alarm 1

Animation 3

Back Fore ground 1

Beeper 1

Border 7

Button 32

Canvas 8

CheckBox 7

Common Dialog 9

Cursor 1

Dialog 14

Editor 1

Event 9

Exception Dialog 1

Focus 1

Frame 23

Label 16

Layout 40


ListBox 7

Menu Checkbox 1

Menu RadioButton 1

Menu 18

MenuButton 1

Message Box 1

OptionMenu 1

Pack 4

Popup Menu 1

RadioButton 9

Scale 8

ScrollBar 2

StatusBar MessageField 2

Table Grid 5

Text 11

TextArea 4

TextField Entry 12

Timer 2

Tk option database 1

TK Root Window 3

ToolBar 2

Top Level 1

UI Class 15

UI Event 1

Event /

Key Action 15

Mouse Action 23

Mouse Draw 3

GUI Pmw /

Pmw AboutDialog 2

Pmw Blt Tabset 1

Pmw Border 1

Pmw ButtonBox 5

Pmw Color 2

Pmw ComboBox 7

Pmw ComboBoxDialog 2

Pmw Counter 9

Pmw CounterDialog 2

Pmw Dialog 8

Pmw EntryField 15

Pmw Error Handler 2

Pmw Gauge 1

Pmw Grid 2

Pmw Group 8

Pmw HistoryText 1

Pmw Key Action 1

Pmw LabeledWidget 2

Pmw LogicalFont 1

Pmw MegaWidget 4

Pmw MenuBar 2

Pmw MessageBar 2

Pmw MessageDialog 7

Pmw Multi line label 2

Pmw OptionMenu 4

Pmw Password 1

Pmw Performance 1

Pmw PromptDialog 1

Pmw RadioSelect 5

Pmw ScrolledCanvas 4

Pmw ScrolledField 1

Pmw ScrolledFrame 1

Pmw ScrolledListBox 5

Pmw ScrolledText 4

Pmw SelectionDialog 2

Pmw Splitpane 3

Pmw StatusBar 1

Pmw Tab NoteBook 4

Pmw TextDialog 2

Pmw TimeCounter 2

Pmw Tooltips 2

Pmw Toplevel Megawidget 1

Pmw Validation Field 9

Subclassing Pmw 3

2D /

Arc 2

Bitmap 2

Circle 1

Color 2

Curve 1

Font 7

Gif 1

Image 1

Line 5

Oval 3

Polygon 1

Rectangle 2

Shape Border 2

List /

List Append 4

List Assign 5

List Cancatenation 5

List Compare 3

List Comprehensive 6

List Count 1

List Declaration 1

List Element Insert 1

List Element Remove 1

List Element Replace 1

List Element 4

List Empty 1

List Extend 3

List Filter 1

List In 3

List Index 2

List Indexing 7

List Insert 2

List Intersect 2

List Length 2

List Loop 6

List Pop 3

List Remove 5

List Repitition 1

List Reverse 2

List Sliced 7

List Sort 3

List Two Dimension 2

Nested List 3

Return List 1

Variables in List 1

Tuple /

Nested Tuple 1

Tuple Concatination 2

Tuple Condition 1

Tuple Creation 6

Tuple Declaration 4

Tuple Display 1

Tuple Element 1

Tuple Immutable 1

Tuple In 3

Tuple Index 4

Tuple Length 2

Tuple Loop 3

Tuple Range 1

Tuple Repitition 1

Tuple Returned 1

Tuple Slice 2

Tuple toList 2

Tuple Zip 1

Dictionary /

Dictionary Assignment 4

Dictionary Clear 1

Dictionary Copy 3

Dictionary Declaration 3

Dictionary Del 1

Dictionary Fetch 1

Dictionary get 3

Dictionary has Key 4

Dictionary items 2

Dictionary iteritems 1

Dictionary Key 6

Dictionary List 1

Dictionary Loop 3

Dictionary Output 1

Dictionary popitem 1

Dictionary Print 1

Dictionary setdefault 1

Dictionary Tuple 3

Dictionary update 2

Dictionary values 2

String /

Append 1

Format 1

Loop 2

String Case 2

String Cast 5

String center 1

String Compare 1

String Concatenation 3

String count 1

String cross Line 1

String Declaration 3

String Ends 1

String endsWith 1

String Escape 4

String find 2

String In 3

String Index 4

String join 6

String Length 6

String ljust 1

String Output 2

String Quotation 3

String R 1

String Repitition 2

String Replace 5

String rfind 1

String rindex 1

String rjust 1

String Slice 6

String Special Char 1

String Split 4

String startsWith 1

String strip 1

String toTitle 1

String Variables 2

zfill 1

Class /

Class abstract 1

Class add 1

Class call 1

Class Constructor 5

Class Define 2

Class Definition 8

Class del 1

Class Dict 2

Class fields 10

Class getattr 2

Class getitem 2

Class getslice 1

Class Inheritance 12

Class Instance 1

Class instantiation 1

Class iter 1

Class len 1

Class list 1

Class metaclass 1

Class Method 5

Class mul 1

Class Operator Add 1

Class Private 1

Class radd 1

Class repr 1

Class self 1

Class setattr 1

Class str 3

Class sub 1

Class Virtual 6

Static 1

Function /

Apply 2

Function as Parameters 3

Function as Return 2

Function Default Argument 10

Function Define 7

Function Dictionary Parameters 4

Function Inner 4

Function Keyword Arguments 3

Function Parameters 5

Function Recursive 3

Function Return 5

Function Tuple Parameters 6

Function type vars 1

Functional Programming 5

lambda function 5

Return 3

Buildin Function /

chr 1

Del 1

dict 1

Dir 3

enumerate 1

Eval 1

filter 4

Float Function 1

Generator Function 3

Generator 3

id 1

in 3

int cast 2

Iterable Object 1

Iterator Behavior 1

Iterators 1

len 3

list 4

map 6

next 2

ord 2

range 8

reduce 4

repr 6

reversed 1

sorted 1

str 4

zfill 1

zip 7

Data Type /

Array 1

Bigger Number 1

Bit 3

Boolean 3

Complex Numbers 6

Decimal 1

Float 2

Hex Function 1

Hex Type 1

Int 11

Long 1

maxint 2

Oct Function 1

octal Type 1

True 2

Type Conversion 2

Data Structure /

bisect 1

Deque 1

Queue 1

Set Declaration 2

Set In 1

Set 3

Stack 2

Database /




Pickle 5

shelve 3

File /

Dircetories 4

File Binary 1

File Close 3

File IO Exception 1

File Object 1

File Open 1

File Pointer 1

File Read 9

File Readline 3

File seek 2

File Tell 1

File Text 2

File Utilities 1

File Utility 2

File Write 6

File Zip 4

IO Error 3

Text File Read Write 2

Text File Read 8

Text File Write 4

Development /

Command Line 3

Compress 1

Console Read 4

Date Time 6

Doc String 6

Encode File 2

Environment 2

Help 2

isinstance 1

Logging 1

Output Format 25

Path 1

Random 10

Reflection 1

Standard Read 5

Standard Redirect 5

Standard Vars 1

stdout stderr 6

Test 1

Timer 1

User Input 2

Language Basics /

And Or 7

Break 4

Buildin Error 2

Catch Exceptions 3

Comments 3

Continue 3

def 1

Divide 4

For In 2

For 5

Garbage Collector 1

Global 5

If 10

Import 3

Local Variables 2

Locale 1

Logical Operator 1

Module 15

Multiply 3

Not 1

Operator 1

Pass 1

Plus 1

pprint 1

Print 3

Raise 1

Statement 1

Static Method 2

Subtract 1

Text Encode 3

Try Else 2

Try finally 1

Try 2

Type 2

Unicode 9

Variable Assign 3

Variable Declaration 2

Variable Immutable 2

Variable Reference 1

While 12

Exception /

Exception Class 3

Exception finally 1

Exception Handle 6

Exception Info 3

Exception Raise 2

Exception Trace 1

Exception Type 1

Value Error 1

Math /

cos 1

E 1

Log 1

Math Pow 1

Max 2

Min 2

Mod 1

Pi 1

Power 2

Round 2

Sin 2

sqrt 1

Network /

Address Info 3


Email 8


Gopher Client 5

Host Info 3

HTML Parser 2


Internet Access 1

IP Address 1

Proxy 1

Remote File 1

Server UDP 2

Socket Broadcast 1

Socket Client 3

Socket Error Handle 3

Socket Info 1

Socket Option 1

Socket Pocket 2

Socket Server 6




Web Client 6

Web Page 3

Web Server 1

Thread /

Thread Exit 1

Thread Sleep 1

Thread Start 1

Thread Synchronize 3

System /

System Cmd Mount 3

System Command 1

System Error 1

System Exit 1

System fork 1

System Info 1

System Path 4

System pid 1

System Time 1

System User 1

System Variables 3


Handler 2


XML Children Node 5

XML Element 4

XML Parse 7

XML Transform 3

Utility /

API Helper 2

Command Line 1

Command 2

Exception 1

File Utility 16

Network Utility 7

Programming 21

Regular Expressions 1

Application /

Calculator 2  | Email:info at | © Demo Source and Support. All rights reserved

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