MyTetra Share
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Модуль обновления подключений
Время создания: 31.07.2019 22:50
Текстовые метки: vba, Connection, Refresh
Раздел: !Закладки - VBA - Excel - Con
Запись: xintrea/mytetra_db_adgaver_new/master/base/15036371089r7usxmkqx/text.html на

Sub Refresh_Con_Name(ByVal oWb As Workbook, _

ByVal strConName As String)

Dim oCon As WorkbookConnection

Dim arConName As Variant, i As Long

If oWb.Connections.Count > 0 Then

arConName = Split(strConName, ";", -1, vbTextCompare)

For i = LBound(arConName) To UBound(arConName)

strConName = Trim(arConName(i))

For Each oCon In oWb.Connections

t = Timer

If oCon.Name Like "*" & strConName & "*" Then


Debug.Print Round(Timer - t, 2), oCon.Name

End If


Next i

End If

End Sub


Sub RefAllCon()

On Error Resume Next

tt = Timer

With ThisWorkbook

For Each con In .Connections

Application.StatusBar = "Обновление " & con

t = Timer


t = Timer - t: Debug.Print Round(t, 2) & " " & con

Application.StatusBar = False

Next con

End With

tt = Timer - tt:: Debug.Print Round(tt, 2) & "==="


End Sub


Function FnRefCon(ByVal strConName As String) As Boolean

Application.StatusBar = "Обновление " & strConName

Dim dDateRef As Date

Dim dDateDelta As Date

With ThisWorkbook.Connections(strConName)

dDateRef = .ODBCConnection.RefreshDate

dDateDelta = Now - dDateRef

If dDateDelta < "01:00:00" Then

Select Case MsgBox("Последнее обновление было " & dDateDelta & " назад." & _

vbCrLf & "Обновить " & strConName, 52, "Обновление " & strConName)

Case 6 ' Да


FnRefCon = True

Case 7 ' Нет

FnRefCon = True

End Select



FnRefCon = True

End If

End With

Application.StatusBar = False

End Function


Sub Ref_CSC()

Обновить = FnRefCon("conname")

End Sub

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