Время создания: 06.02.2021 19:51
Раздел: INFO - JOB - CUBA - SQLScripts
Запись: wwwlir/Tetra/master/base/16126122918s2i3zhqpx/text.html на raw.githubusercontent.com
--Проверка начислений по объектам --select cp from rtneo_contract_position cp where cp.contract_id = 'ab1f5a54-8e07-9a92-f114-a5ac790ce732' create or replace function return_cre_total_sum(cre_id uuid, "period" date) returns numeric as $$ declare "sum" numeric; tariff numeric; begin
select t.tariff*1.2 as t from rtneo_tariff t where t.delete_ts is null and t."name" = 1 and "period" between t.date_since and t.date_till into tariff; select case when u.is_area is not null and u.is_area = true then (rec.norm * (re.area * coalesce(cre.share_, 1)))/12 * tariff else (rec.norm * coalesce(cre.calculation_amount, (re.area * coalesce(cre.share_, 1))*rec.ratio))/12 * tariff end from rtneo_contragent_real_estate cre join rtneo_real_estate re on cre.real_estate_id = re.id join rtneo_real_estate_category rec on cre.category_id = rec.id join rtneo_unit u on rec.unit_id = u.id where cre.id = cre_id into "sum"; return "sum"; end $$ language plpgsql; with real_estate as( select r.cadastral_number as cad from rtneo_real_estate r offset 0 limit 1 ), actual_accruals as( select a.contragent_id as c_id, a."period" as "period", a.create_ts, row_number() over (partition by a.contragent_id, a."period" order by a.create_ts desc) as relevance, a.total_sum, cre.id as cre_id, cre.own_type as "owner", re.cadastral_number as cad from rtneo_accrual a join rtneo_contract_position cp on a.contract_position_id = cp.id join rtneo_contragent_real_estate cre on cp.contragent_real_estate_id = cre.id join rtneo_real_estate re on cre.real_estate_id = re.id join rtneo_real_estate_category rec on cre.category_id = rec.id where a.delete_ts is null and cp.delete_ts is null and cre.delete_ts is null and re.cadastral_number = '38:36:000034:22582' -- and re.id in (select r.id from rtneo_real_estate r offset 0 limit 1000) order by a.contragent_id ), all_re as( select -- a.c_id as c_id, -- a."owner", a.cad as cad, a."period" as "period", sum(a.total_sum) as "sum", min(return_cre_total_sum(a.cre_id, a."period")) as total from actual_accruals a where a.relevance = 1 group by -- c_id, a."owner", a.cad, a."period" order by a.cad, a."period" ) select *, a.total - a."sum" as diff from all_re a where a."sum" <> a.total |
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