Время создания: 02.02.2021 16:45
Раздел: INFO - JOB - rtneo - Работа над задачами - Загрузка долей
Запись: wwwlir/Tetra/master/base/1612255553wb8h41l3op/text.html на raw.githubusercontent.com
select string_to_array('Иванов Иван Иваныч', ' ') @> string_to_array('Иван Иваныч Иванов', ' '); --Сравнивает по наименованию with shares as ( select distinct cre.id::uuid as id, round((split_part(share, '/', 1)::bigint)/(split_part(share, '/', 2)::bigint)::numeric, 5) as sh from rtneo_real_estate re join t_dfgv98 t on re.cadastral_number = t.cad join rtneo_contragent_real_estate cre on cre.real_estate_id = re.id join rtneo_contragent c on cre.contragent_id = c.id where cre.share_ is null and (not t.share = '' and t.share is not null) and t.share similar to '[0-9]*/[0-9]*' and string_to_array(t.fio_data, ' ') @> string_to_array(c.name, ' ') ) update rtneo_contragent_real_estate cre set share_ = shares.sh from shares where cre.id = shares.id; |
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