Скрипт. Арендаторы у которых есть перерасчет и начисления
Время создания: 06.07.2020 12:22
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import com.haulmont.cuba.core.* import com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.*; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.*; import com.groupstp.rtneo.entity.*; import com.groupstp.rtneo.service.*; import com.groupstp.rtneo.core.bean.tools.*; import com.groupstp.rtneo.core.bean.calculation.*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import com.haulmont.bali.util.ParamsMap; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.PersistenceHelper; /** * */ DatePeriodTools periodTools = AppBeans.get(DatePeriodTools.class) def df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy") CommitContext cctx = new CommitContext(); Map<String, Object> instance = ParamsMap.of('df', df, 'cctx', cctx, 'periodTools', periodTools) /** Исправление позиции где ее период меньше периода договора */ ////Получаем позиции где ее период меньше периода договора //List<KeyValueEntity> res = resDifferencePeriodCPandContract() ////Устанавливаем период позиций равный дате начала договора //setCPPeriodAsContractFrom(res, instance) ////Вывод позиции где ее период меньше периода договора //analizeDifferencePeriodCPandContract(res, df) /** Исправление позиции где ее период меньше периода договора */ //List<KeyValueEntity> res = resDiscountAccrual() //fixDiscountAccrual(res, instance) /** Анализ и исправление арендаторов */ List<KeyValueEntity> res = resRenters() analizeRentersSum(res, instance) //_(res.size()) //Строка лога не корректных тарифов в начислениях //res.each{_("pa - ${it.getValue('pa')}, ctNumber - ${it.getValue('ctNumber')}, aPeriod - ${it.getValue('aPeriod')}, aPrice - ${it.getValue('aPrice')}, correctPrice - ${it.getValue('correctPrice')}, aTotalSum - ${it.getValue('aTotalSum')}, aUpdate - ${it.getValue('aUpdate')}")} _(cctx.getCommitInstances().size()) dataManager.commit(cctx) /** *Main resource data * */ //Контрагенты у которых период позиции меньше чем дата договора def resDifferencePeriodCPandContract(){ //Все String q = 'select distinct cp.id, cp.contract.id, cp.contragent.personalAccount, cp.contract.number, cp.period, cp.contract.from, (select min(a.period) from rtneo$Accrual a where a.contractPosition = cp), cp.contract.accepted from rtneo$ContractPosition cp where cp.period < cp.contract.from order by cp.contragent.personalAccount, cp.contract.number' //С количеством оплат // String q = 'select distinct cp.id, cp.contract.id, cp.contragent.personalAccount, cp.contract.number, cp.period, cp.contract.from, (select min(a.period) from rtneo$Accrual a where a.contractPosition = cp), cp.contract.accepted, (select count(p) from rtneo$Payment p where p.inn = cp.contragent.inn) from rtneo$ContractPosition cp where cp.period < cp.contract.from order by cp.contragent.personalAccount, cp.contract.number' // Только с оплатами // String q = 'select distinct cp.id, cp.contract.id, cp.contragent.personalAccount, cp.contract.number, cp.period, cp.contract.from, (select min(a.period) from rtneo$Accrual a where a.contractPosition = cp), cp.contract.accepted from rtneo$Payment p join rtneo$ContractPosition cp on p.inn = cp.contragent.inn where cp.period < cp.contract.from order by cp.contragent.personalAccount, cp.contract.number' return dataManager.loadValues(q) .properties("cpId", "ctId", "pa", "ctNumber", "period", "ctFrom", "minAccrual", "cAccepted") .list() } //Контрагенты у которых период начисления меньше чем дата договора def resDifferencePeriodAccrualAndContract(){ //Все String q = 'select a.contragent.personalAccount, a.id, a.period, a.contractPosition.contract.from from rtneo$Accrual a where a.period < a.contractPosition.contract.from order by a.contragent.personalAccount' return dataManager.loadValues(q) .properties("pa", "aId", "aPeriod", "ctFrom") .list() } //Начисления где не корректный тариф//не верный запрос def resDifferencePriceAccrual(){ //Все // String q = 'select a.id, a.contragent.personalAccount, a.contractPosition.contract.number, a.documentNumber, a.period, a.price, (select t.tariff from rtneo$Tariff t where t.name = 1 and a.period between t.dateSince and t.dateTill)*1.2, a.totalSum from rtneo$Accrual a where a.period > a.contractPosition.contract.before and (select t.tariff from rtneo$Tariff t where t.name = 1 and a.period between t.dateSince and t.dateTill)*1.2 <> a.price order by a.contragent.personalAccount' //updateTs String q = 'select a.id, a.contragent.personalAccount, a.contractPosition.contract.number, a.documentNumber, a.period, a.price, (select t.tariff from rtneo$Tariff t where t.name = 1 and a.period between t.dateSince and t.dateTill)*1.2, a.totalSum, a.updatedBy from rtneo$Accrual a where a.period > a.contractPosition.contract.before and (select t.tariff from rtneo$Tariff t where t.name = 1 and a.period between t.dateSince and t.dateTill)*1.2 <> a.price order by a.contragent.personalAccount' return dataManager.loadValues(q) .properties("aId", "pa", "ctNumber", "anumber", "aPeriod", "aPrice", "correctPrice", "aTotalSum", "aUpdate") .list() } //Начисления со скидкой def resDiscountAccrual(){ String q = 'select distinct a.contragent.id from rtneo$Accrual a where a.totalSum <> a.totalSumBase and a.contractPosition.contract.accepted = true' return dataManager.loadValues(q) .properties("cId") .maxResults(10) .list() } // def resRenters(){ def i=0 String q = 'select r.contragentRealEstate.id, r.contragentRealEstate.realEstate.cadastralNumber, r.contragentRealEstate.contragent.id, r.contragentRealEstate.contragent.personalAccount, rr.id, rr.contragent.id, rr.contragent.personalAccount, rr.validityFrom, rr.validityTo, (select max(c.before) from rtneo$Contract c where c.contragent.id = r.contragentRealEstate.contragent.id and c.accepted = true), (select max(c.before) from rtneo$Contract c where c.contragent.id = r.renterRecord.contragent.id and c.accepted = true) from rtneo$RealEstateRenter r left join r.renterRecord rr where r.payOwner = true order by r.contragentRealEstate.contragent.id' // String q = 'select r.contragentRealEstate.id, r.contragentRealEstate.realEstate.cadastralNumber, r.contragentRealEstate.contragent.id, r.contragentRealEstate.contragent.personalAccount, rr.id, rr.contragent.id, rr.contragent.personalAccount, rr.validityFrom, rr.validityTo from rtneo$RealEstateRenter r left join r.renterRecord rr where r.contragentRealEstate.contragent.personalAccount = \'ААА3812525543\' and r.payOwner = true order by r.contragentRealEstate.contragent.id' return dataManager.loadValues(q) .properties("lCreId", "creCad", "lId", "lPA", "tCreId", "tId", "tPA", "vFrom", "vTo", "lPeriodMax", "tPeriodMax") // .firstResult(i*1000) // .maxResults(1000) .list()
} /** *Second resource data * */ def sresActualAccruals(){ Persistence persistence= AppBeans.get(Persistence.NAME)
Transaction tr = persistence.createTransaction()
EntityManager em = persistence.getEntityManager();
Query query = em.createNativeQuery("with\n" + "periods as(\n" + "SELECT \n" + " distinct a.period as per\n" + "FROM \n" + " public.rtneo_contragent c, \n" + " public.rtneo_contract ct, \n" + " public.rtneo_contract_position cp, \n" + " public.rtneo_accrual a\n" + "WHERE \n" + " ct.contragent_id = c.id AND\n" + " cp.contract_id = ct.id AND\n" + " a.contract_position_id = cp.id AND\n" + " c.personal_account = 'ААА3812525543'\n" + " and a.delete_ts isnull\n" + " order by a.period),\n" + "contracts as(\n" + "select\n" + "p.per as perct,\n" + "(select ct.id\n" + "from \n" + "public.rtneo_contract ct join\n" + "public.rtneo_contragent c on c.id = ct.contragent_id\n" + "where\n" + "c.personal_account = 'ААА3812525543'\n" + "and ct.create_ts = \n" + "(select\n" + "max(ct.create_ts)\n" + "from \n" + "public.rtneo_contract ct join\n" + "public.rtneo_contragent c on c.id = ct.contragent_id\n" + "where\n" + "c.personal_account = 'ААА3812525543'\n" + " and ct.accepted = true\n" + " and ct.delete_ts is null\n" + "and p.per between ct.from_ and ct.before_)\n" + ") as contract\n" + "from \n" + "periods p)\n" + "\n" + "SELECT\n" + "a.period, a.document_number\n" + "FROM \n" + " contracts ct,\n" + " rtneo_accrual a left join\n" + " public.rtneo_contract_position cp\n" + " on a.contract_position_id = cp.id\n" + "where\n" + " a.period = ct.perct\n" + " and ct.contract = cp.contract_id\n" + " and a.delete_ts is null\n" + "order by a.period\n" + "limit 200");
//query.setParameter(1, "%Company%"); List list = query.getResultList(); for (Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Object[] row = (Object[]) it.next(); def per = row[0]; def name = row[1];
_("${per} = ${name}")
} } /** *Analize method * */ void analizeDifferencePeriodCPandContract(List<KeyValueEntity> res, SimpleDateFormat df){ String prev = null res.each{ // String str = "pa - ${it.getValue('pa')}, ctNumber - ${it.getValue('ctNumber')}, cpPeriod - ${df.format(it.getValue('period'))}, ctFrom - ${df.format(it.getValue('ctFrom'))}, minAccrual - ${it.getValue('minAccrual')}, cAccepted - ${it.getValue('cAccepted')}" String str = "|${it.getValue('pa')}|${it.getValue('ctNumber')}|${df.format(it.getValue('period'))}|${df.format(it.getValue('ctFrom'))}|${it.getValue('minAccrual')}|${it.getValue('cAccepted')}|" if(prev == null || !prev.equals(str)){ prev = str _(str) } } } void analizeRentersSum(List<KeyValueEntity> res, Map<String, Object> i){ SimpleDateFormat df = i.df // ("lCreId", "lId", "tCreId", "tId", "vFrom", "vTo") BillService billService = AppBeans.get(BillService.NAME)
Date dStart = df.parse('01-01-2019') Date dStop = df.parse('01-12-2020')
Calendar start = Calendar.getInstance() Calendar end = Calendar.getInstance() start.setTime(dStart) end.setTime(dStop)
def prev = null def prevRent = null def prevAccRent = null
List<Accrual> accruals = new ArrayList<>() List<Accrual> accrualsFact = new ArrayList<>() List<Accrual> accrualsRent = new ArrayList<>() String caption = "|Контрагент|Арендатор|Договоров|Конец действия|Кад. номер" while(start.getTime().compareTo(end.getTime()) <= 0){ caption += "|${df.format(start.getTime())}" start.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1) } _(caption) for(KeyValueEntity item : res){ start.setTime(dStart) end.setTime(dStop) start.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1) end.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1)
accruals = getContragentBillsCRE(item.getValue('lId'), item.getValue('tCreId')) accrualsRent = getContragentBillsCRE(item.getValue('tId'), item.getValue('tCreId'))
List<String> periods = new ArrayList<>() HashMap<Date, Object> payLm = new HashMap<>() HashMap<Date, Object> payTm = new HashMap<>() while(start.getTime().compareTo(end.getTime()) <= 0){
def period = start.getTime() payLm.putIfAbsent(period, null) payTm.putIfAbsent(period, null) //Месец нужно прибавить сразу, чтобы не зациклилось start.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1) if(!i.periodTools.isPeriodIncluded(period, item.getValue('vFrom'), item.getValue('vTo'))){ payTm[period] = '' payLm[period] = '' continue }
Boolean isFact = dataManager.getCount(LoadContext.create(Contract.class).setQuery( LoadContext.createQuery('select c from rtneo$ContractPosition c where c.contragent.id = :lId and c.contragentRealEstate.id = :lCreId and (c.isFactCalculation = true or c.isFactRecalculation = true) and c.contract.accepted = true and c.period <= :period') .setParameter("lCreId", item.getValue('lCreId')) .setParameter("lId", item.getValue('lId')) .setParameter("period", period) )) > 0 //Сумма для арендаторов записывается даже при факте арендодателя def sumInRent = accrualsRent.stream() .filter{e -> e.getPeriod().compareTo(period) == 0 && (e.getContractPosition().getContragentRealEstate() != null && e.getContractPosition().getContragentRealEstate().getId() == item.getValue('tCreId'))} .map{p -> p.getTotalSum()}.reduce{u1, u2 -> u1.add(u2)}.orElse(null)
payTm[period] = sumInRent
if(isFact){ payLm[period] = "fact" continue } // Boolean isRec = accrualsFact.stream().anyMatch{e -> e.getPeriod().compareTo(start.getTime()) == 0}
// Boolean isAcc = accruals.stream().anyMatch{e -> e.getPeriod().compareTo(start.getTime()) == 0 && (e.getContractPosition().getContragentRealEstate() != null && e.getContractPosition().getContragentRealEstate().getId() == item.getValue('tCreId'))}
def sumAcc = accruals.stream() .filter{e -> e.getPeriod().compareTo(period) == 0 && (e.getContractPosition().getContragentRealEstate() != null && e.getContractPosition().getContragentRealEstate().getId() == item.getValue('tCreId'))} .map{p -> p.getTotalSum()}.reduce{u1, u2 -> u1.add(u2)}.orElse(null) if(sumAcc > 0){ payLm[period] = sumAcc continue } if(sumAcc == 0){ payLm[period] = 0 continue } periods.add(period) } long countL = dataManager.getCount(LoadContext.create(Contract.class).setQuery( LoadContext.createQuery('select c from rtneo$Contract c where c.contragent.id = :id and c.accepted = true').setParameter("id", item.getValue('lId')) )) long countR = dataManager.getCount(LoadContext.create(Contract.class).setQuery( LoadContext.createQuery('select c from rtneo$Contract c where c.contragent.id = :id and c.accepted = true').setParameter("id", item.getValue('tId')) ))
String lStart = "|${item.getValue('lPA')}|-------------|${countL}|${item.getValue('lPeriodMax')}|${item.getValue('creCad')}" String rStart = "|-------------|${item.getValue('tPA')}|${countR}|${item.getValue('tPeriodMax')}|-------------"
String l = '' String r = '' start.setTime(dStart) end.setTime(dStop) Boolean isIncorrect = false Date twoYear = df.parse('01-01-2020') while(start.getTime().compareTo(end.getTime()) <= 0){ Boolean inReport = false Date currPeriod = start.getTime() start.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1)
// if(payLm[currPeriod] == null && payTm[currPeriod] == null)inReport = true // if(payLm[currPeriod] == 0 && payTm[currPeriod] == null)inReport = true
// if(payLm[currPeriod].equals('fact') || payTm[currPeriod].equals('fact'))inReport = false // if((payLm[currPeriod] instanceof BigDecimal && payLm[currPeriod] > 0) || (payTm[currPeriod] instanceof BigDecimal && payTm[currPeriod] > 0))inReport = false // if((payLm[currPeriod] instanceof String && payLm[currPeriod].equals('')) && (payTm[currPeriod] instanceof String && payTm[currPeriod].equals('')))inReport = false
if(payLm[currPeriod].equals('fact') && (payTm[currPeriod] instanceof BigDecimal && payTm[currPeriod] > 0))inReport = true if(start.getTime().compareTo(twoYear) >= 0)inReport = false if(inReport)isIncorrect = true l+='|' + payLm[currPeriod] r+='|' + payTm[currPeriod]
if(isIncorrect){ String lINN = dataManager.loadValue('select c.inn from rtneo$Contragent c where c.personalAccount = :pa and (select count(p) from rtneo$Payment p where p.inn = c.inn) > 0', String.class) .parameter("pa", item.getValue('lPA')) .optional() .orElse('') String tINN = dataManager.loadValue('select c.inn from rtneo$Contragent c where c.personalAccount = :pa and (select count(p) from rtneo$Payment p where p.inn = c.inn) > 0', String.class) .parameter("pa", item.getValue('tPA')) .optional() .orElse('')
if(!lINN.equals(''))_(lINN) if(!tINN.equals(''))_(tINN) // _(lStart+l) // _(rStart+r) }
} } /** * Methods * */ def prolongation(Date from, Date to, Contragent contragent, Date dateBill){ CalculationWorkerBean calculationWorker = AppBeans.get(CalculationWorkerBean.class);
Contract baseContract = dataManager.load(Contract.class) .query('select c from rtneo$Contract c where c.mainContract is null and c.contragent.id=:contragent order by c.createTs desc') .parameter("contragent", contragent.getId()) .view("contract-edit") .optional() .orElse(null);
if(baseContract == null)return false
Contract lastContract = getLastContract(contragent, baseContract); if(lastContract == null)lastContract = baseContract;
return calculationWorker.calculateAccruals(from, to, contragent, dateBill, lastContract, false); } public Contract getLastContract(Contragent contragent, Contract baseContract){ return dataManager.load(Contract.class) .query('select c from rtneo$Contract c where c.mainContract.id = :id and c.accepted = true and ( c.isFactRecalculation is null or not c.isFactRecalculation = true ) order by c.number desc') .parameter("id", baseContract.getId()) .view("contract-edit") .firstResult(0) .maxResults(1) .optional().orElse(null); } //Устанавливаем период позиций равный дате начала договора void setCPPeriodAsContractFrom(List<KeyValueEntity> res, Map<String, Object> i){ Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); def df = i.df CommitContext cctx = i.cctx
for(KeyValueEntity item : res){
if(item.getValue('ctFrom').compareTo(item.getValue('period')) > 0){ _("PA - ${item.getValue('pa')}, Position - ${df.format(item.getValue('period'))}, Contract from - ${df.format(item.getValue('ctFrom'))}, Period accrual - ${item.getValue('minAccrual') == null ? null : df.format(item.getValue('minAccrual'))}")
ContractPosition cp = dataManager.load(ContractPosition.class).id(item.getValue('cpId')).view('_local').optional().orElse(null) cal.setTime(item.getValue('ctFrom')) cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1) cp.setPeriod(cal.getTime())
if(!item.getValue('minAccrual').equals(null) && item.getValue('period').compareTo(item.getValue('minAccrual')) < 0){ _('Можно обрезать') i.cctx.addInstanceToCommit(cp) } if(item.getValue('minAccrual').equals(null)){ _("Можно обрезать, начислений нет ${item.getValue('ctNumber')}") i.cctx.addInstanceToCommit(cp) } }
} // dataManager.commit(cctx) } void fixDiscountAccrual(List<KeyValueEntity> res, Map<String, Object> i){ CommitContext cctx = i.cctx BillService billService = AppBeans.get(BillService.NAME)
for(KeyValueEntity item : res){ List<Accrual> accruals = billService.getContragentBills(item.getValue('cId'))
for(Accrual accrual : accruals){ if(!accrual.getTotalSum().equals(accrual.getTotalSumBase())){ _("!!!!!${accrual.getTotalSum()} <> ${accrual.getTotalSumBase()}")
} }
} } void disablePayOwner(UUID id, Map<String, Object> i){ def rr = dataManager.load(RealEstateRenter.class) .query('select r from rtneo$RealEstateRenter r where r.renterRecord.id = :id') .parameter("id", id) .view("_local") .optional() .orElse(null) rr.setPayOwner(false) i.cctx.addInstanceToCommit(rr) } List<Accrual> getContragentBillsCRE(UUID contragentID,UUID creId) { String sqlQuery = 'select e from rtneo$Accrual e where 1=0';
List<Accrual> accruals = new ArrayList<Accrual>();
List<Contract> contracts = dataManager.load(Contract.class) .query('select e from rtneo$Contract e where e.contragent.id = :contragent and e.accepted = true order by e.createTs desc') .parameter("contragent", contragentID) .view("_base") .list();
if (contracts.size() > 0) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Contract lastContract = null; for (Contract contract : contracts) { if (lastContract == null) { lastContract = contract; sqlQuery = "cast(a.contractPosition.contract.id text)='" + contract.getId().toString() + "' "; } else { if (contract.getFrom().before(lastContract.getFrom())) { sqlQuery = sqlQuery + " or (cast(a.contractPosition.contract.id text)='" + contract.getId().toString() + "' and a.period < '" + sdf.format(lastContract.getFrom()) + "' )"; lastContract = contract; } } } sqlQuery = 'select a from rtneo$Accrual a where a.contractPosition.contragentRealEstate.id=:creId and a.contragent.id = :contragentID and (' + sqlQuery + ') order by a.period'; accruals = dataManager.load(Accrual.class) .query(sqlQuery) .parameter("contragentID", contragentID) .parameter("creId", creId) .view("accrual-full") .list(); } return accruals; } /** * Логирование */ import com.haulmont.cuba.core.app.serialization.EntitySerializationAPI; import com.groupstp.rtneo.util.JsonUtil; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; private _(Object obj, String... options){ if(obj == null){log("LOG.ERROR: Object is null!!!");return} if(options.size() == 0){log(obj)} for(def option : options){ if(option.equals("str")){log(obj)} if(option.equals("for")){obj.each({_(it)})} if(option.equals("json")){ EntitySerializationAPI entitySerializationAPI = AppBeans.get(EntitySerializationAPI.NAME) try{log(entitySerializationAPI.toJson(obj))} catch(Exception e){log("LOG.ERROR: JSON entity serialization failed")} } if(option.equals("objJson")){ JsonUtil jsonUtil = AppBeans.get(JsonUtil.NAME) try{log.(jsonUtil.toJson(obj))} catch(Exception e){log("LOG.ERROR: JSON object serialization failed")} } if(option.equals("date")){ DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy"); try{log(df.format(obj))} catch(Exception e){log("LOG.ERROR: Failed date format")} } } } private log(Object obj){log.debug(obj)} |
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