запрос адресов участков
Время создания: 04.11.2017 23:37
Раздел: Ariadna home - ЛО - Токсово - Обновление участка
Запись: xintrea/mytetra_db_mcold/master/base/1509827844z6ch2dq7e2/text.html на raw.githubusercontent.com
WITH sec_add AS (select sa.keyid , sa.sectionid said , 1 as status , (select k.name || ' ' || k.socr from solution_kladr.kladr k where k.code = rpad(substr(sa.area_code, 1, 2), 13, '0')) as region , (select k.name || ' ' || k.socr from solution_kladr.kladr k where k.code = rpad(substr(sa.area_code, 1, 5), 13, '0') and k.code <> rpad(substr(sa.area_code, 1, 2), 13, '0')) as area , (select k.name || ' ' || k.socr from solution_kladr.kladr k where k.code = rpad(substr(sa.city_code, 1, 8), 13, '0') and k.code <> rpad(substr(sa.city_code, 1, 5), 13, '0')) as city , (select k.name || ' ' || k.socr from solution_kladr.kladr k where k.code = rpad(substr(sa.town_code, 1, 11), 13, '0') and k.code <> rpad(substr(sa.town_code, 1, 8), 13, '0')) as town , sa.street_name , sa.house , sa.corp , decode(trim(sa.flat_from || sa.flat_to), null, '', sa.flat_from || ' - ' || sa.flat_to) as flats , sa.bgndat , sa.enddat , sa.note from section_addr sa where 1=1 --sa.sectionid = p_section_id and (sa.bgndat is null or sa.bgndat <= trunc(sysdate)) and (sa.enddat is null or sa.enddat >= trunc(sysdate)) and sa.region_id is null and sa.street_id is null union select sa.keyid , sa.sectionid said , 1 as status , (select r.text from region r , region a , region t where r.root_id = 0 and a.root_id = r.keyid and t.root_id = a.keyid and (r.keyid = sa.region_id or a.keyid = sa.region_id or t.keyid = sa.region_id)) as region , (select a.text from region r , region a , region t where r.root_id = 0 and a.root_id = r.keyid and t.root_id = a.keyid and (r.keyid = sa.region_id or a.keyid = sa.region_id or t.keyid = sa.region_id)) as area , (select t.text from region r , region a , region t where r.root_id = 0 and a.root_id = r.keyid and t.root_id = a.keyid and nvl(t.city_status, 1) = 1 and (r.keyid = sa.region_id or a.keyid = sa.region_id or t.keyid = sa.region_id)) as city , (select t.text from region r , region a , region t where r.root_id = 0 and a.root_id = r.keyid and t.root_id = a.keyid and t.city_status = 2 and (r.keyid = sa.region_id or a.keyid = sa.region_id or t.keyid = sa.region_id)) as town , sa.street_name , sa.house , sa.corp , decode(trim(sa.flat_from || sa.flat_to), null, '', sa.flat_from || ' - ' || sa.flat_to) as flats , sa.bgndat , sa.enddat , sa.note from section_addr sa where 1=1 --sa.sectionid = p_section_id and (sa.bgndat is null or sa.bgndat <= trunc(sysdate)) and (sa.enddat is null or sa.enddat >= trunc(sysdate)) and (sa.region_id is not null or sa.street_id is not null) order by bgndat desc nulls last, region, area, city, town), sos AS (SELECT sa.said , sa.status , sa.region || ' ' || sa.area || ' ' || sa.city || ' ' || sa.town || ' ' || sa.street_name || ' ' || sa.house || ' ' || sa.corp addr FROM sec_add sa) SELECT s.text , s.code , sos.* FROM SECTION s , sos WHERE s.Keyid = sos.SAID |
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