Numbers Class
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Раздел: Java - Tutorial - Classes
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Java - Numbers Class Advertisements Previous Page Next Page Normally, when we work with Numbers, we use primitive data types such as byte, int, long, double, etc. Example int i = 5000; float gpa = 13.65; double mask = 0xaf; However, in development, we come across situations where we need to use objects instead of primitive data types. In order to achieve this, Java provides wrapper classes. All the wrapper classes (Integer, Long, Byte, Double, Float, Short) are subclasses of the abstract class Number. The object of the wrapper class contains or wraps its respective primitive data type. Converting primitive data types into object is called boxing, and this is taken care by the compiler. Therefore, while using a wrapper class you just need to pass the value of the primitive data type to the constructor of the Wrapper class. And the Wrapper object will be converted back to a primitive data type, and this process is called unboxing. The Number class is part of the java.lang package. Following is an example of boxing and unboxing − Example public class Test { public static void main(String args[]) { Integer x = 5; // boxes int to an Integer object x = x + 10; // unboxes the Integer to a int System.out.println(x); } } This will produce the following result − Output 15 When x is assigned an integer value, the compiler boxes the integer because x is integer object. Later, x is unboxed so that they can be added as an integer. Number Methods Following is the list of the instance methods that all the subclasses of the Number class implements −
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