Display line numbers
T ip 19 Printable Monobook Previous Next
created February 25, 2001 · complexity basic · author scrott · version 7.3
It is sometimes useful to display line numbers so the number of each line can easily be seen.
s how]
To display line numbers:
:set number
:set nu
This will turn off the line number display:
:set nonumber
:set nonu
The following command is useful because it toggles the display of line numbers. Assuming no numbers are currently displayed, this command will display them. Entering the command again will hide them.
:set nu!
Mapping to toggle line numbersEdit
You can also define a mapping to toggle the option, for example:
:nmap <C-N><C-N> :set invnumber<CR>
By pressing Ctrl-N twice in normal mode, Vim toggles between showing and hiding line numbers.
If you want to be able to toggle line numbers both in normal and insert mode, you can define these two mappings (in this example, they're bound to the F3 key):
noremap <F3> :set invnumber<CR>
inoremap <F3> <C-O>:set invnumber<CR>
Enabling line numbers on startupEdit
To enable line numbers on startup, simply add the following to your vimrc .
set number
Adding line numbers only to certain filesEdit
Create a filetype plugin for each filetype where you'd like to have numbering enabled (see :help ftplugin-overrule ) and add the following line:
setl number
Changing gutter column widthEdit
If you have Vim version 7 or greater, you can change the width of the "gutter" column used for numbering:
:set numberwidth=3
You can use the number column for the text of wrapped lines:
:set cpoptions+=n
Finally, you can change the color used for the line numbers. For example:
:highlight LineNr term=bold cterm=NONE ctermfg=DarkGrey ctermbg=NONE gui=NONE guifg=DarkGrey guibg=NONE
Relative line numbersEdit
For some commands, it is easier to know how many lines a given bit of text is, relative to the current cursor position. For example, moving with j and k with a count like 5j; or deleting 8 lines with 8dd can be easier if you have an at-a-glance view of distance from the cursor line instead of distance from the top of the file as with :set number.
To display line numbers relative to the line with the cursor, use:
:set relativenumber
'relativenumber' is not a complete replacement for 'number' ; rather, these two options interact so that you can show only relative numbers (number off and relativenumber on), only absolute line numbers (relativenumber off and number on), or show the absolute number on the cursor line and relative numbers everywhere else (both relativenumber and number on).