command synchronization
Время создания: 31.08.2017 20:59
Текстовые метки: knowledge
Раздел: MyTetra
Запись: xintrea/mytetra_db_mcold/master/base/1501246472s0pd57xt10/text.html на raw.githubusercontent.com
How to use synchronization in MyTetra
To synchronize, you can use any of cloud storage or any version control system. The main thing is that these systems maintain atomicity. The author has tested and recomendet used Git on GitHub.com.
To synchronize data, you simply synchronize the contents of the directory /data. To get path to directory /data, select "Tools" -> "Preferences" -> "Main" -> "Data directory" and click on the button with three dots [...].
First, create repository at GitHub, with name i.e. "mytetra". At console, enter to directory /data and type command to upload files to your GitHub repository:
git init git add . git commit -a -m "first commit" git remote add origin git@github.com:username/mytetra.git git push -u origin master
Next, select "Tools" -> "Preferences" -> "Synchro" and set syncro command:
For Linux:
cd %a ; git add . ; git commit -a -m MyTetraCommit ; git pull -s recursive ; git push
For Windows:
cd \ & cd "%a" & git add . & git commit -a -m MyTetraCommit & git pull -s recursive & git push
After these steps, you will have to work "back up data" to GitHub.com. Do not forget to pre-encrypt the items with private data: service GitHub keeps history of files.
Warning! At earlier in this command line was writed wrong option -X theirs. Please, remove this option from your synchro command line.
Next, install MyTetra to other computer. Find /data directory, and delete all from it. In /data directory run command:
git clone git@github.com:username/mytetra.git .
Run MyTetra, and next set synchro command (see up) to "Tools" -> "Preferences" -> "Synchro".
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