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Время создания: 31.08.2017 20:55
Текстовые метки: knowledge
Раздел: Linux
Запись: xintrea/mytetra_db_mcold/master/base/1500550098rzlgxq6quf/text.html на

This is a quick reference guide to the meaning of some of the less easily guessed commands and codes of shell scripts. By their nature, they are also quite difficult to find using search engines. These examples include process managementshell scripts arguments, and shell script test conditions.





Run the previous command in the background

ls &


Logical AND

if [ "$foo" -ge "0" ] && [ "$foo" -le "9"]


Logical OR

if [ "$foo" -lt "0" ] || [ "$foo" -gt "9" ] (not in Bourne shell)


Start of line

grep "^foo"


End of line

grep "foo$"


String equality (cf. -eq)

if [ "$foo" = "bar" ]


Logical NOT

if [ "$foo" != "bar" ]


PID of current shell

echo "my PID = $$"


PID of last background command

ls & echo "PID of ls = $!"


exit status of last command

ls ; echo "ls returned code $?"


Name of current command (as called)

echo "I am $0"


Name of current command's first parameter

echo "My first argument is $1"


Name of current command's ninth parameter

echo "My ninth argument is $9"


All of current command's parameters (preserving whitespace and quoting)

echo "My arguments are $@"


All of current command's parameters (not preserving whitespace and quoting)

echo "My arguments are $*"


Numeric Equality

if [ "$foo" -eq "9" ]


Numeric Inquality

if [ "$foo" -ne "9" ]


Less Than

if [ "$foo" -lt "9" ]


Less Than or Equal

if [ "$foo" -le "9" ]


Greater Than

if [ "$foo" -gt "9" ]


Greater Than or Equal

if [ "$foo" -ge "9" ]


String is zero length

if [ -z "$foo" ]


String is not zero length

if [ -n "$foo" ]


Newer Than

if [ "$file1" -nt "$file2" ]


Is a Directory

if [ -d /bin ]


Is a File

if [ -f /bin/ls ]


Is a readable file

if [ -r /bin/ls ]


Is a writable file

if [ -w /bin/ls ]


Is an executable file

if [ -x /bin/ls ]

( ... )

Function definition

function myfunc() { echo hello }

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