Sublime настройка как IDE Haskell
Время создания: 25.06.2017 19:58
Раздел: Haskell - Sublime для Haskell
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Sublime Text & Haskell MAY 2ND, 2015 4:07 PM There are several excellent posts about setting up the Haskell development environment. One of the best ones is Tony Lawrence’s Configuring Your Haskell Environment. I encourage you to take a look at his post first. Tony’s post is more than a year old though, and it looks like a couple of things have changed since he wrote his post, especially with the latest version of Haskell and SublimeHaskell. I wasted a good chunk of time trying to get around those problems, so now writing this post in case others run into similar issues when setting up the SublimeHaskell plugin. Here’s a summary of the steps to setup the Haskell dev environment (from Tony’s blog).
This last step doesn’t work seamlessly. When I installed SublimeHaskell, I ran into the following error message in Sublime Text:
The problem is described in more detail in issue #182 on SublimeHaskell’s GitHub page. The summary is that the master branch of SublimeHaskell is too slow to accomodate the removal of PNeg from haskell-src-exts. The solution is to use the hsdev branch of SublimeHaskell. This is done as follows (recommended by MoreAxes on comment thread for issue #182):
You can now enter and build Haskell code from Sublime Text. To verify your setup, enter the following code in Sublime Text, and then hit cmd-B
You will see the following printed:
Here’s a screenshot of my test file, with the output of the program: |
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