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Adding Repositories
Время создания: 21.05.2017 11:59
Раздел: SUSE
Запись: xintrea/mytetra_db_mcold/master/base/1495357143ia9alzhwze/text.html на

YaST => Software => Software Repositories => Click on "Add" => Select "Community Repositories" and click "Next"

 Repository Management in the Terminal

If you wish, you can manage your repositories via a terminal too. Add a repository with auto-refresh enabled zypper addrepo -f [URL] [Alias]. Example:

zypper addrepo -f packman

Disable a repository zypper modifyrepo -d [URL|Alias]. Example:

zypper modifyrepo -d Packman

Remove a repository zypper removerepo [URL|Alias]. Example:

zypper removerepo

List configured repositories, showing details (priorities, URL, etc.):

zypper repos -d

See man zypper for more.

man zypper

Or for help on indvidual commands use for example:

zypper addrepo --help

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