# Download the entire contents of example.com
wget -r -l 0 http://www.example.com/
/etc/wget/wgetrc http_proxy = http://your_proxy:port ftp_proxy = http://your_proxy:port # If you do not want to use proxy at all, set this to off. use_proxy = on
http_proxy=http://`hostname -f`:3128 wget -v --ignore-length http://bfs-hs20-01s3.bfs.openwave.com/CongestionControl/Audio/CCA_300/diff0_8.aac -O diff0_8_opt.aac
2013-11-20 11:17:48 (287 KB/s) - `diff0_8_opt.aac' saved [1264230]
contentLengthToDevice: 1264230
headerBytesFromDevice: 184
bodyBytesFromDevice: -
headerBytesToOriginServer: 166
bodyBytesToOriginServer: -
headerBytesFromOriginServer: 279
bodyBytesFromOriginServer: 2350231
headerBytesToDevice: 309
bodyBytesToDevice: 1264230