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Basic config from
Время создания: 30.08.2017 20:57
Текстовые метки: vim config
Раздел: Vim
Запись: Velonski/mytetra-database/master/base/1504108667sri7roqqi4/text.html на

## General

set number # Show line numbers

set no wrap # Wrap lines

set linebreak # Break lines at word (requires Wrap lines)

set showbreak=+++ # Wrap-broken line prefix

set textwidth=100 # Line wrap (number of cols)

set showmatch # Highlight matching brace

set visualbell # Use visual bell (no beeping)

set hlsearch # Highlight all search results

set smartcase # Enable smart-case search

set ignorecase # Always case-insensitive

set incsearch # Searches for strings incrementally

set autoindent # Auto-indent new lines

set expandtab # Use spaces instead of tabs

set shiftwidth=4 # Number of auto-indent spaces

set smartindent # Enable smart-indent

set smarttab # Enable smart-tabs

set softtabstop=4 # Number of spaces per Tab

## Advanced

set ruler # Show row and column ruler information

set undolevels=1000 # Number of undo levels

set backspace=indent,eol,start # Backspace behaviour

## Generated by

MyTetra Share v.0.67
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