# VX Ace Star Passability Bug Fix
# by NeonBlack
# -- Уровень: Простой, Нормальный
# -- Требования: нет
# -- This simply checks if the tile is a star before checking passability. If the tile is
# a star and it is passable, it then checks the tile UNDER it. If not, it returns false
# as always. This prevents everything that is a star tile from being passable.
# -- Original Topic:
# [url]http://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index....abilities-bug/[/url]
class Game_Map
def check_passage(x, y, bit)
all_tiles(x, y).each do |tile_id|
flag = tileset.flags[tile_id]
if flag & 0x10 != 0 # [☆]: Не влияет на проход
next if flag & bit == 0 # [○] : Проходимый, но звезда
return false if flag & bit == bit # [×] : Непроходимый
return true if flag & bit == 0 # [○] : Проходимый
return false if flag & bit == bit # [×] : Непроходимый
return false # Непроходимый