Читаем текст по ссылке:
(можно по ходу записи пару раз остановить запустить проигрывание потока в браузере)
В результате получаем команду вида:
rtmpdump -r rtmp:// -o out.flv
или, что более интересно:
rtmpdump -r rtmp:// 2>/dev/null | mplayer -
По факту, нормально работает такая команда:
rtmpdump --live -r rtmp:// -v 2>/dev/null | mplayer -cache 1024 -cache-min 90 -speed 0.97 -
Объяснение на английском:
How to record (capture) with rtmpdump.
For example I want to record (capture) live broadcast of tv:
I run:
tcpdump -ieth0 -nn -A | grep -e"rtmp" -e"connect" -e"play" > rt.txt
Sometime it's useful to add -e"app" option in grep in spite of it can capture a lot of garbage.
I open this page, waiting broadcasting and 3-4 times reload page again to fill buffer of output file (rt.txt in this case).
I always capture packets in file (sometimes output on consile may be wrong or not full).
Next I open rt.txt and looking for piece of text like this:
connect.?..........app...live..flashVer...LNX 10,1,82,76..swfUrl..'http://rt.com/s/swf/player5.4.
and build command in accordance with this manual:
You should be careful with dots in options (turn on your brain and use cut and try method) like in this example:
rtmp://fm.s5.visionip.tv should be rtmp://fms5.visionip.tv
Here is example of 60 sec record:
rtmpdump -r rtmp://fms5.visionip.tv/live \
-a live \
-y RT_3 \
-W http://rt.com/s/swf/player5.4.viral.swf \
-p http://rt.com/on-air/ \
-f "LNX 10,1,82,76" \
-o ~/russia_tooday.flv \
-B 60
The simple command:
rtmpdump -r rtmp://fms5.visionip.tv/live \
-y RT_3 \
-o ~/russia_tooday.flv \
-B 60
also works but they recommend to use full syntax.
Blumberg TV
connect.?..........app...live..flashVer...LNX 10,1,82,76..swfUrl..Jhttp://cdn.
rtmpdump -r rtmpt://cp87869.live.edgefcs.net:1935/live \
-a live \
-y us_300@21006 \
-W http://cdn.gotraffic.net/v/20110210_153738//flash/BloombergMediaPlayer.swf \
-p http://www.bloomberg.com/tv/ \
-f "LNX 10,1,82,76" \
-o ~/bloomberg.flv \
-B 60 \
Video on demand:
Deutsche Welle
Program Euromaxx (with Roxette):
a4337/dwwod1/..flashVer...LNX 10,1,82,76..swfUrl..;http://mediacenter.dw-world.de/player/flash/media.player.swf..tcUrl.. *rtmpt://tvone.fcod.llnwd.net/a433
rtmpdump -r rtmpt://tvone.fcod.llnwd.net/a4337/dwwod1/ \
-a a4337/dwwod1/ \
-y mp4:dwtv_video/flv/eme/emagen090211-euromaxx01ep_sd_avc.mp4 \
-W http://mediacenter.dw-world.de/player/flash/media.player.swf \
-p rtmpt://tvone.fcod.llnwd.net/a4337/dwwod1/ \
-f "LNX 10,1,82,76" \
-o ~/euromaxx.flv
P.S. Some servers do not talk on this language and it's hard to get options for rtmpdump in such a way.