MyTetra Share
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Время создания: 18.05.2020 15:22
Текстовые метки: Wi-Fi, подключение wifi, подключение по кабелю
Раздел: !Закладки - VBA
Запись: xintrea/mytetra_db_adgaver_new/master/base/1589804527sri289tuoi/text.html на

Option Compare Database

Sub teat_fun_Connected_WIFI()

Ethernet = fun_Connected_Ethernet()

End Sub

Function fun_Connected_Ethernet() As Boolean

'подключение по кабелю

Dim oObject, adapter, item

Set oObject = GetObject("WINMGMTS:\\.\ROOT\cimv2")

Set adapter = oObject.InstancesOf("Win32_NetworkAdapter")

For Each item In adapter

If item.NetconnectionID = "Ethernet" Then

' Debug.Print item.NetconnectionID '24

' Debug.Print item.AdapterType

' Debug.Print item.NetConnectionStatus

' For Each oPr In item.Properties_

' Debug.Print oPr.Name, "|", oPr.Value

' Next

If item.NetConnectionStatus = 2 Then

fun_Connected_Ethernet = True

GoTo fun_Connected_Ethernet_Exit

End If

End If



Set oObject = Nothing

Set adapter = Nothing

End Function

Sub IsConnected()


Dim oObject

Dim adapter

Dim item 'as SW ' - : Item 1 : : Variant/Object/SWbemObjectEx

Set oObject = GetObject("WINMGMTS:\\.\ROOT\cimv2")

Set adapter = oObject.InstancesOf("Win32_NetworkAdapter")

For Each item In adapter

If item.NetconnectionID <> "null" Then

Debug.Print item.NetconnectionID '24

Debug.Print item.AdapterType

Debug.Print item.NetConnectionStatus

End If


End Sub


Access type: Read-only

State of the network adapter connection to the network.

Disconnected (0)

Connecting (1)

Connected (2)

Disconnecting (3)

Hardware Not Present (4)

Hardware Disabled (5)

Hardware Malfunction (6)

Media Disconnected (7)

Authenticating (8)

Authentication Succeeded (9)

Authentication Failed (10)

Invalid Address (11)

Credentials Required (12)

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